Posts Made By: Greg Elspas

October 27, 2002 10:37 PM Forum: Film Astrophotography - Imaging and Processing

Ricoh XR-P viable for astrophotography?

Posted By Greg Elspas

I just came into possession of a Ricoh XR-P (it was given to me) and was wondering if anyone has ever used one for astrophotography. Is this a good camera for the job or should I not waste my time with this particular model?

November 12, 2002 06:59 PM Forum: Film Astrophotography - Imaging and Processing

ST-237 with efinder as autoguider?

Posted By Greg Elspas

I'm considering using an SBIG ST-237 with efinder as an autoguider for a Borg 100ED on a GM-8 mount. Has anyone used the ST-237/efinder combination for guiding and do you think this is a good alternative to using a separate guidescope? Pros? Cons? I'm trying to keep the weight down on the mount and really hate to purchase another scope.

November 23, 2002 05:47 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Source for 60mm rings?

Posted By Greg Elspas

I'm looking for a good source for solid 60mm rings for a guidescope that will be mounted on a Borg 100ED refractor. Any suggestions?

November 28, 2002 02:14 PM Forum: Takahashi

TGH0200 guidescope variable tube holder

Posted By Greg Elspas

Anyone ever use one these?
Know where I can see a picture of one?

December 21, 2002 10:35 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: SAC 7 SAC8 Are thay any good

Posted By Greg Elspas

A good place to find information would be the SAC imaging forum on Yahoo.


January 17, 2003 09:05 PM Forum: Telescope Making

Where can I find 70mm ID tube material?

Posted By Greg Elspas

I have an objective lens cell with a 70mm OD threaded connector on the back. What/where would be a good source of tube material for something like this?

January 21, 2003 11:14 PM Forum: Telescope Making

Adhesive for flocking PVC tube

Posted By Greg Elspas

What is a good spray adhesive for adding flocking paper to a PVC tube (preferably something with little out-gassing)?

January 31, 2003 07:32 PM Forum: Telescope Making

OEM focusers?

Posted By Greg Elspas

You see various places selling nice little R&P focusers, etc. which are very helpful for scope building projects. But who supplies them? Know of any OEM focuser makers? Are there any in the US or are they mostly from overseas?

February 5, 2003 06:11 PM Forum: Telescope Making

Plans for a nice slide focuser?

Posted By Greg Elspas

I'm very happy with the results of a recent refractor project using PVC and a lense objective from Surplus Shed. However, while the 1.25" R&P focuser that I purchased works really well on this scope it cost more than the rest of the scope combined. I'm considering building another smaller scope and was wondering if anyone has some really good plans or links to plans for building a simple but reliable sliding focuser with an adjustment for tension.

February 6, 2003 05:15 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: APM-USA (A positive note)

Posted By Greg Elspas

I've dealt with both Alan and Jocylen on several occasions when ordering eyepieces and filters. They were always very helpful and I always received my orders promptly.