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John Greenlee

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Posts Made By: jim phillips

August 7, 2002 01:15 AM Forum: Coronado-Lunt-DayStar Solar Filters

November 4, 2002 01:11 AM Forum: Coronado-Lunt-DayStar Solar Filters

Questar 3.5

Posted By jim phillips

Anyone have any experience using a Questar 3.5 with the Coronado system? Questar sells a "solar observatory" with either the 40mm or 60mm filtere. I will contact them tomorrow but wonder if anyone has any eperience with a 3.5 Q and a coronado system? Thanks

Jim Phillips

October 26, 2003 01:36 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System


Posted By jim phillips

Copernicus taken 10/19/03 with a 10" TMB/APM apo. 1200 images stacked. Toucam webcam/K3 Tools/Photoshop. The moon was high in the sky (5:00AM) and the seeing was very good (8-9/10).

November 1, 2003 05:02 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Saturn Last Night with TMB/APM 10" Apo

Posted By jim phillips

Couldn't sleep. Got up at Midnight and made several images of Saturn with my 10" TMB/APM apo using a Philips Toucam Pro, Registax, Photoshop. 700-1000 i9mages stacked. Taken about 1:00-200 AM EST 11-1-03

Jim Phillips

November 1, 2003 06:17 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Saturn Last Night with TMB/APM 10" Apo

Posted By jim phillips

Either I'm repeating myself or my fitrst try diodn't work. This is an image of Saturn taken this AL (1:00-2:00AM with my TMB/APM 10" F/9 apo. Using Philips Toucam pro, registax, photoshop. Sorry if I have repeated myself.

Jim Phillips

November 3, 2003 10:52 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

My 10" TMB/APM F/9 apo

Posted By jim phillips

I'm attaching a pic of me and my 10" apo below. The OTA was designed and made by Mathias Wirth as a custom project for Markus Ludes. Flats from Berlinerglas. TMB/APM 10" F/9 triplet designed by TMB produced by Lzos. AP 1200 QMD mount. The pic is from last Friday evening (Halloween). I have just made it to the Farm and only gotten my tie off. I was hoping for good seeing so I could make another attempt at imaging Saturn. Seeing turned out to be very good.

Jim Phillips

November 22, 2003 07:12 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Jupiter with 10" TMB apo

Posted By jim phillips

Hello Rolando!
Superb image as always. I really enjoy them. Very nice detail. Excellent color as well. Thanks for posting. I was observing last night also. I will upload images of Jupiter with a 10" F/9 TMB apo and 3X televue barlow and Saturn with an 8" F/9 TMB apo plus a 2X televue barlow inserted into a 2X Televue Big barlow. Registax, Photoshop.

December 28, 2003 04:51 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Atlas with AP 9" F/15

Posted By jim phillips

Toucam Pro, K3 Tools, Registax, Adobe Photoshop and 1`.8X barlow with AP 9" F/15 apo.

Jim Phillips

December 29, 2003 05:33 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Posidonius with TMB 8" F/9

Posted By jim phillips

Last night I used my 8" F/9 TMB to image Posidonius. Toucam Pro, K3 Tools, Registax, Adobe Photoshop.

Jim Phillips

January 2, 2004 03:32 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Apollo 12 and 14 Landing sites.

Posted By jim phillips

I set up early (roof off observatory at 4:00 in the afternoon. I tried imaging between about 5:00 and 7:00. Lucky that i did because it then clouded up and that was that. Seeing only Fair (7/10) but I was able to image the Apollo 12 and Surveyor 3 landing site in one image and the Apollo 14 landing site next to Fra Mauro in another. 8" F/9 TMB apo, 3X Televue Barlow, K3 Tools, Toucam Pro, registax and a little photoshop.
First the Apollo 14 site next to Fra Mauro. Shown in Rukl Plate 42 (Apollo 12 Landing site is also on this plate).

Jim Phillips