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Posts Made By: Luca Grella

March 9, 2009 03:29 AM Forum: Polls

These drugs should be legal and taxed..

Posted By Luca Grella

You are right, the country has been recently screwed up in several avenues.
But it was not exactly liberals who have done that.
What do you mean whe you say "to clean the gene pool"?
As bad as they can be, drug dealers are not comparable to murders and the like , because they respond to a market, a pool of genes (to use your words) who uses it.

March 12, 2009 07:59 PM Forum: Polls

The Economy ....

Posted By Luca Grella

Can you find out how much of that spending on H&W is for US bankers, mortgage brokers and securities brokers?

March 16, 2009 03:21 PM Forum: Polls

The UN

Posted By Luca Grella

I like this poll because it allows me to point out that
the biggest money pit and dangers to US has just been dismissed from the white house
by the majority of the american people.

March 17, 2009 06:24 PM Forum: Polls

The UN

Posted By Luca Grella

> Also BO wasn't put in office by the majority of the people. Look up the numbers of popular votes. This is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy and that worked to his advantage this time. It worked to Bush's last time. <

BO won with a lead of 7% that is HUGE historically and almost unprecedented.
On the other hand W won in 2000 by a handful of disputed votes. It has been
the slimmest win in the American history; despite that, he applied radical policies
which would have required a larger majority to support it.
USA is effectively a democray ,since the government derives its power from the people
(american that is) and is accountable to them

March 19, 2009 04:56 AM Forum: Polls

Manned space ....

Posted By Luca Grella

I agree, this is a very great poll. I want to know what other people think on space exploration too.
An yes , in IMHO , manned space exploration is why we are on this planet.

June 27, 2009 04:25 PM Forum: Polls

The economy

Posted By Luca Grella

because judging from how the people who animate these polls have got the facts in the past,
I am reassured now that the economy is actually getting better.

June 29, 2009 03:24 PM Forum: Polls

The economy

Posted By Luca Grella

I don't know if it will work,
but we all know for sure what doesn't

June 30, 2009 05:55 PM Forum: Polls

The economy

Posted By Luca Grella

As long as there are 10 people capable of doing your same job for 1/10 of
your cost, jobs will continue to get outsourced. There is nothing stopping it;
politics and bills can only lower it a little bit, but it will not stop.

The only way to keep jobs here is to get smarter.
This is what US has always done : take on the challenge like it did in the aero space industry ,in communications , in information technology etc.
The new value now is in energy technology.

Don Barar said:

So if Barak and Company were ever worried about outsourcing, wait till they see what happens with the enactment of this nonsense. Significant portions of our industry will go to China, India, and the rest of third world to avoid paying the tax.


June 30, 2009 05:42 PM Forum: Polls

The economy

Posted By Luca Grella

Those were good years as long as you could hold on to a widespread asset bubble
created by unregualted financial engennering which has entirely replaced production.
Most of the assests now are worth as much as they were worth in 2000.
Everybody understands how this happened.

July 1, 2009 08:20 PM Forum: Polls

The economy

Posted By Luca Grella

>>>I am not going to say to an electricity company that you can not build a coal fired power plant. But if they do, my Cap and Trade plan will bankrupt any company that tries.<<<
Warmest regards,

Don [/QUOTE]"

The stone age was over not because the stones were over, but because humans got smarter.
Coal power plants are a technolgy of 2 centuries ago when inhumane working conditions were acceptable in order to extract the coal.
Coal businnes should already be bankrupt not by energy policy but by law suits and health care costs and environmental costs.
The Cap and Trade bill will favor, justly, natural gas and renewable sources.
I think it is a good policy, worth of a civilized society.

I don't comment sentnces that have been extracted
from the context in which they have been generated.

Warmest regards and clear skies too (from clouds and pollution)