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Posts Made By: Maurice Clark

November 21, 2019 05:32 AM Forum: Politics

In a nutshell

Posted By Maurice Clark

Hi James,

I think I would agree with Jim... Trump's re-election hopes depend to a large extent on whom the democrats nominate as their candidate.  A centrist/moderate would likely wipe the floor with Trump.  Then again, there was a poll not so long back indicating that 62% of republican votes would not change their vote for Trump no matter what he did.

2020 could be an interesting year!

2020???  What happened????  Where did the past 20 years go?  cwy


PS:-  here is what the BBC made of today's hearings.

January 27, 2020 10:59 PM Forum: Politics

Breaking News: The Hit!

Posted By Maurice Clark


Why do you keep posting your picture underneath your posts?


January 29, 2020 11:27 PM Forum: Politics

Breaking News: The Hit!

Posted By Maurice Clark

Was that your mother Stevie?

January 30, 2020 05:21 AM Forum: Politics

Breaking News: The Hit!

Posted By Maurice Clark

Keep on showing your ignorance richie.

February 6, 2020 05:41 AM Forum: Home Observatories

Plans, Blueprints Wanted

Posted By Maurice Clark

Hi Mark,

If you do find the blueprints somewhere, I would be interested in seeing them.  Particularly for the roof and rollers.  I am looking at trying to build a ROR observatory myself soon.



February 6, 2020 05:46 AM Forum: Politics

Trump Gallup

Posted By Maurice Clark

G'Day Jim,

Thanks for the link.  Interesting website.

Still, polls are only partly useful.  What really matters in the election is turnout; particularly in the battleground states.



March 10, 2020 06:03 AM Forum: Politics

Anybody Home?

Posted By Maurice Clark


Stock markets around the world have seen massive drops over the past week or so.  The one in your own country today had its biggest drop since the GFC.  Oil prices have dropped by over 20%. Airlines around the world are canceling flights.  For example, Qantas booking to Asia are down over 30%.  Italy has now joined China in imposing a total lockdown following a jump in deaths from the virus.  Are you really going to blame all this on "left-leaning media"?  Perhaps you should try looking at different news outlets.  I would recommend BBC and ABC.  They are respected around the world for their reporting.

You should try reading this one.  It is an interesting take by the BBC's North American editor.


March 11, 2020 09:31 PM Forum: Politics

Dow Set To Take another Dump

Posted By Maurice Clark


Didn't you hear, the great leader proclaimed that the deficit was the fault of Obama and the Democratic party?


March 13, 2020 04:38 AM Forum: Politics

The MOST transparent Administration in History

Posted By Maurice Clark

Hi James,

I see that radical left-winger Boris Johnson is saying that this Covid-19 is the "Worst health crisis in a generation".

Wonder what St Richie will say about that?


March 13, 2020 04:44 AM Forum: Politics

The MOST transparent Administration in History

Posted By Maurice Clark

Originally Posted by Russ Carroll

I wonder what Trump will say smile
Hi Russ,

He did say earlier that it was all just a hype by left-wing media to make him look bad.

Just received an email from my university.  All classes are switching to online starting Monday.  Doing labs and tests will get "interesting"!  Then again, Alabama is a very left-wing, anti-republican state so it is probably just another attempt to make Trump look bad. cwy

Stay safe.
