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Captured by
Mark Eby

IC1396 Cepheus Bubble Nebula

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Posts Made By: Steve Stonehill

January 14, 2008 12:16 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

February 6, 2008 10:53 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Harlequin Ducks

Posted By Steve Stonehill

And a female.

February 11, 2008 01:33 AM Forum: Pet Pics


Posted By Steve Stonehill

I think it's a dog but if I were you I'd keep it away from Canadian people just in case. wink

February 18, 2008 12:29 AM Forum: Pet Pics

Dog with Attitude!

Posted By Steve Stonehill

Hi Andy,

Scout is definitely a Mr. T type when it comes to rough play, little but plenty TOUGH! Her 95lb brother Jem is usually a big sissy.


February 24, 2008 03:22 PM Forum: Wildlife Photography

A Snake with a Mouth Full

Posted By Steve Stonehill

Nice Shot August! The snake is a one of the many supspecies of the Nerodia genus. They are considered a watersnake and they are all non-venomous but they will, if picked up, bite repeadtedly, regurgitate, and smear you with FOUL SMELLING musk. 8O In other words, it's best to just leave 'em be and take a few pics. The frog looks like a Green Frog (Raja Clamitans) but it's difficult to tell from the pic.

Thanks For Posting These,


April 14, 2008 10:55 PM Forum: Wildlife Photography

Arizonan Lizard

Posted By Steve Stonehill

Hi Jerry,

It's definitely a Collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris). It could be one of several different subspecies native to Arizona. Nice shot BTW!


April 21, 2008 11:13 PM Forum: Refractors

Synta ED refractor versus Firt class refractor.

Posted By Steve Stonehill

Hi Paul,

I was able to get better splits on every double tried with a 12" Orion Newtonian with an off-axis 4.25" mask than with my FS102 set up right next to it. My Discovery 8" F7 Newt is the best double star instrument I've ever used bar none. I had an MN56 that was excellent on doubles as well. My point is that you don't necessarily need an Apo for doubles. The short focal length of many Apos is, IMHO, a detriment for doubles due to the need for Barlows and very small exit pupils.

Hope This helps,


May 15, 2008 11:11 PM Forum: Reflectors

MN or OA? Pro's and Con's?

Posted By Steve Stonehill

Hi Al,

I have never seen an OA scope in person so I can't help with that part but I did own an MN56. The MN56 had VERY GOOD optics but I found it to be frustrating to use. It seemed to never want to reach equilibrium, the stock focuser and finder were terrible, and the scope was a challenge for me to collimate. I would suggest thinking about a 6" reflector and a cooling fan modification. I install cooling fans on my reflectors to scrub the primary, ala Alan Dyer's method and I'm always amazed at the views these Newts put up and how well they keep up with the temperature drops.

Hope this Helped,


June 2, 2008 11:23 PM Forum: Refractors

Antares Achros

Posted By Steve Stonehill

Hi Mark,

I think, but I could be wrong, that Antares marketed scopes as "Semi-ED" in the past. If that's the case then they should probably put into the elite "Caveat Emptor" category. If I were in the market for a top-notch achromat I would look to D&G or get a "real" Japanese Vixen. There are other scopes like a Jaegers or a Unitron that are more rare and more pricey available occasionally.

My .02,


June 2, 2008 11:36 PM Forum: Guns and Hunting Optics

Here's My Handgun Choice, Yours . . .?

Posted By Steve Stonehill

Hi Lee,

I chose for self defense, and fortunately have never had to rely on, a Colt King Cobra 6" with handloaded 125gr Hornady FP/XTP bullets. I like the record for one shot stops that the .357 Magnum cartridge has tallied up over the years. My Colt is a smooth and accurate shooter that I would trust in a life and death situation.

Clear Skies,
