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Posts Made By: Jim Moscheck

November 16, 2023 06:15 PM Forum: Politics

"A Clean Shot To The Kidneys"

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Can't help you there, Maurice, but Calvin and Hobbs is my all time favorite comic strip. My son bought every collection book Patterson published back in the 90's. We still get them out and read them to our grandkids.

I look at most of the comics strips today and miss some of the great ones from back in the day even more. Arnold was another favorite as was Doonesbury and Bloom County.

November 16, 2023 09:16 PM Forum: Politics

"A Clean Shot To The Kidneys"

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by James Brown

Bloom County and Doonesbury are all-time faves of mine too.   I guess I am a liberal at heart.   When we moved to Denver in '83 I picked the Rocky Mtn. News over the Denver Post as our newspaper for the sole reason of the News carrying Doonesbury, The Far Side, and Bloom County.   The photo below is from right now, with Opus (of course) in my office standing on a stack of Sky and Telescope magazines.   Calvin and Hobbes came out a year or so after we got here, and it too was carried by the Rocky Mountain News.   Another favorite that came along a touch later was "Get Fuzzy."  Jim
At times I have felt like Opus, but at other times like Bill the Cat.

November 17, 2023 06:12 PM Forum: Politics

Democracy Dies in Darkness

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by James Brown

I regret the word choice "leftist" above.  "Left wing cowards" would have been more precise.  It is not like Che Guevarra is a copy editor at the Post.   

Still, I simply can not comprehend why so many left-wingers in the US (and at the UN, as Rod points out) are against Israel and their reasonable right to self defense in the face of naked criminal terrorism.  Worse, vast numbers of left wingers in the US and Europe are against Israel's very right to exist.  This is as completely incomprehensible to me as anything the right wing MAGA types believe, including believing that Donald Trump can save this country.
I don't get it either. As a staunch democrat who is also is a staunch supporter of Israel I hope there are many more democrats that agree who are not being heard due to all the screaming BS coming from the crazy wing of the left.

November 17, 2023 10:57 PM Forum: Politics

Democracy Dies in Darkness

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by James Brown

I never said James was a staunch conservative.  He was, as I have noted quite recently, a right moderate when we met.  A steady but not exclusive R voter.  But if exaggeration or fabrication makes you feel better about yourself, so be it.   

Of course Russ and I are both far more conservative than you are.  Your alleged brand of conservatism is a betrayal of the word.  On the contrary, you are simply a prime example of that most tedious clique within the modern Republican party - the constantly angry right populist.  You exist to heap hate on those who don't think like you.   This is why you love Trump so.  His one skill is self aggrandizement while heaping hate on the Democrats, the immigrants, women, the downtrodden, the Courts, 1/2 the press... basically anyone who is not a reflexive sycophant.  His fans lap it up.  If you or Trump were Roman Catholic, you would light candles at the shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Grievance.   I am sure You'll never confess, but what happened in your past to make you so hateful?   I am sorry for this circumstance of your life.

I can see grievance as the core of your being in this very thread.  You have no ability, interest, or desire to explore a complicated issue.  You have no wish to understand other points of view.  You are incapable of making connections with and understanding the viewpoints of like-minded hobbyists, even if you disagree on many fundamentals of politics.   

You, like Trump, show up merely to chest thump and ridicule the rest of us, even those with whom you probably agree.   So it goes.  It is ineffective and sad.  Paraphrasing Michael Ramirez from the thread-opening column, your actions merely reflect shame on you.  But like Trump or any other true narcissist, you are incapable of comprehending this.   The inevitable result of your style is lonely irrelevance.  That is profoundly sad.
You must have not seen his little smily face and LOL winky face emojis at the end of his post so you know he's not really a crazy angry old man.

Seriously, while responding to his post is commendable it's a complete waste of time and effort that will just fall on deaf ears.

November 18, 2023 06:22 PM Forum: Politics

Democracy Dies in Darkness

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by James Brown

True, but sometimes it is useful to organize thoughts in writing.  Jim
Which you did impressively. Its funny, when a post hits hard Rich runs away and hides.

November 20, 2023 02:23 PM Forum: Politics

Just for a laugh

Posted By Jim Moscheck

How true.

Not too many comic strips make me laugh anymore but yesterday's Arlo and Janis was pretty good and related to observing the skies.

November 21, 2023 05:36 PM Forum: Politics

AP: Trump, on Biden’s 81st birthday, releases doctor’s note that says he’s in ‘excellent’ health

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Why does it seem like I've heard this one before?

"In late December 2015, during his first campaign for the Republican nomination, Trump’s campaign released a glowing letter from the late Dr. Harold N. Bornstein that claimed Trump, a known fast food aficionado who eschewed vigorous exercise, would “unequivocally” be the “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”

Bornstein later revealed that Trump had dictated the glowing assessment himself, calling it “black humor” and admitting that he had written it in five minutes while a limo sent by the then-candidate waited outside his office.

“I just made it up as I went along,” he told CNN in 2018. “It’s like the movie ‘Fargo.’ It takes the truth and moves it in a different direction.”

November 23, 2023 12:06 AM Forum: Politics

Here comes the Terrorism and Terrorist attacks, courtesy of Joe Biden and the Leftist Democrats. Maybe the left will get lucky and they'll burn it all down and the left can cheer

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Richard Davis
Yes, it was going to happen. Now it appears that a car full of explosives was sent to a Bridge in Buffalo NY, on the border with Canada, at the Rainbow Bridge.  

2 People reported Dead and so we need to send out thanks to everyone on this forum who voted for the Leftist Democrat Joe Biden, who instilled with his gaggle of leftist Democrats, an open border Policy that has allowed hundreds and hundreds of Terrorists into the nation.

Special thanks go out to Russ Carroll and James Brown who pretended to be conservative Republicans when they voted for Joe Biden and say they will again try to put Leftist Democrats in power by voting for Joe Biden and the Democrat party in the coming 2024 election.

Stay tuned as more terrorism is to come. shocked
Too bad you can't get some exercise in while jumping to conclusions.

November 23, 2023 03:58 AM Forum: Politics

Here comes the Terrorism and Terrorist attacks, courtesy of Joe Biden and the Leftist Democrats. Maybe the left will get lucky and they'll burn it all down and the left can cheer

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by David Cotterell
No worries, it was worth saying twice. Still won’t get through the thick skull of the screamer.

November 23, 2023 04:01 PM Forum: Politics

Here comes the Terrorism and Terrorist attacks, courtesy of Joe Biden and the Leftist Democrats. Maybe the left will get lucky and they'll burn it all down and the left can cheer

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Brian McFarland

That should have been richard's line after that moronic post.
He has no shame. Just think if any of us came on here with a cockamamy post with a title like that making bogus claims without a shred of evidence to back it up.

I've come to the conclusion he's losing it.

"The FBI said Wednesday night it was turning the car crash and explosion that occurred at the border earlier in the day to the Niagara Falls Police Department as a traffic investigation."

"FBI Buffalo has concluded our investigation at the scene of the Rainbow Bridge incident. A search of the scene revealed no explosive materials and no terrorism nexus was identified," a statement from the agency read."