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Posts Made By: Jim Moscheck

December 8, 2023 05:29 PM Forum: Politics

The disgusting and vile Anti-Semitic Leftist Democrats just exposed themselves once again, yesterday as the vile, disgusting Jew hating individuals that they are.

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Richard Davis

You're full of shit Pete.

My posting was to take on the massive bigotry and the huge numbers of leftists who are the bigots and haters and ARE out there putting forth their vile crap and are being permitted to do so at prominent Universities all over this nation.  

Your posting was an attempt on your part to imply that the right side of the political aisle is just as bigoted towards Jews as is the left.  Horseshit.

Because you laughingly want to assert that Proud Boys have any sort of clout on any similar plane as these prominent Universities is a joke.

The proud boys don't have any power at all, in any equivalent fashion that these 3 vile Univ. Presidents have when they are permitting this crap to continue.

And here's the problem for you that you cannot deny.  

IF ANY group of White Supremacists were organized on campus the same way that these Jew Haters ARE organized on campus and they were chanting against the Black race in the same way, and threatening Black Students the way these vile Pro-Hamas students are threatening Jewish students, they would be shut down cold, in 12 milliseconds, and these 3 despicable University professors would be out in the middle of the campus lawns with bullhorns screaming as loud as they could "WE don't tolerate HATE on this campus".  

You KNOW that's a fact so don't even try to snow me with your bullshit and your moral relativism of the Proud Boys vs. these University trained Bigots. 

There is no comparison between the right and the left when it comes to Jew Hatred.  It is virtually ALL coming from the left side of the political aisle.  

And the left has historically been the party of bigotry and hate for the last 160 years in this nation.

Today though, due to the war that was started by the vile Hamas terrorists, the left has shown its true colors, and shown their bigotry to the world. 

That's what is happening today, so all your indignant responses and your heavy breathing about me pointing it out amounts to nothing more than anger at your inability to support your ridiculous claims of equivalent hate coming from both sides of the political aisle.  

In this instance, you don't have a leg to stand on.  There is no moral equivalency on both sides of the aisle.  It isn't even a close call.
Sez you.

December 8, 2023 10:36 PM Forum: Politics

I'm starting a go fund me for one of our very own here on the Politics forum. I hope this plea is permitted by AMart. If not I'm sure Herb will let me know. Thanks for advance for your contributions. .

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Richard Davis
One of our very own, Marissa Clark opened up and said he has been the victim of racism down in Alabama and said he is leaving because of it.

Now I know he goes by the name Maurice but I call him Marissa as it is a more friendly version of his name.

He calls me Pope Richie for some reason, I guess as a nickname, and so I've returned the kindness that he's shown me and I refer to him as Marissa.

I'm going to pledge 13 cents toward his legal fees and I'm urging others here to contribute.  I'm guessing that none of the Politics forum participants want to see him leave and so you can contribute as well.  

Have a great day guys and Merry Christmas!!  smile
This might be the meds talking but you really are an ass.

December 8, 2023 10:38 PM Forum: Politics

To my friends here on the political forum

Posted By Jim Moscheck

I’m now home recuperating from out patient surgery today for the same kind of injury that the chain gang ref sustained in last Sunday’s Lions/Saints game. I just didn’t have a 235 lb. football player land on it. When I saw it happen I cringed as I saw the pain in the refs face before the cameras cut away. I’ve never experienced anything as painful as this injury. When the doc saw it today he was taken aback by how it still looked 10 days since it happened. Looks like all went well and I now need to have it in a brace to keep it straight for the next month before I start rehab. Thank god for pain meds.

December 8, 2023 10:49 PM Forum: Politics

December 9, 2023 02:55 AM Forum: Politics

Richard Davis Dickson in one day clarifies how he one of the sleaziest of posters who regurgitates far right talking points and then posts numerous threads spewing his hatred for anyone who is to the left of his far right politics

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Richard Davis

So then you are of the mindset that when the Presidents of some of the largest Universities in this country are looking the other way and permitting with no actions to stop the rampant and vile Anti-jew hatred on their Universities, which as I stated IS being promoted BY their very professors who urge the complete annihilation of the Jewish State of Israel, that is OK in your book?

You have no comment on the vile anti-semitism that is all over Harvard University, MIT, or University of Pennsylvania??

Is your apathy towards them, due to the meds you say you are on, or do you just have no concern about the safety of the Jewish students at these Democrat run Universities in General?  :'(
I already said I agree with you, but you are so dense you can’t discern when it is included while dissing your methods of making a point.

Here is my reply to you in the anti-semitism thread:

I really think the man has lost it as evidenced by his latest behavior. The man really knows how to stifle conversation. Even if you dig down past all of the innuendo and name calling in the titles of his threads, which I’m sure he thinks are very clever, and agree with his points, which I do as far as how some in higher education are wrong when it comes to Antisemitism they get lost in the way he presents them. He comes across as an utter fool who no one want to interact with. Funny and sad at the same time.

December 9, 2023 03:03 AM Forum: Politics

Richard Davis Dickson in one day clarifies how he one of the sleaziest of posters who regurgitates far right talking points and then posts numerous threads spewing his hatred for anyone who is to the left of his far right politics

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Richard Davis

Here's a different take on it.  Ready?

I know this probably didn't cross your small mind, but there is thing called politics.

Have you heard of politics?

Let me explain.  What you should do is get some awareness that you are in a forum called "Politics".

Now in politics, there is a left and a right side of the aisle based upon one's "political" affiliation.

And since the left which is Your side of the political aisle, for the last 8 years or so has exhibited the most unhinged hatred for Donald Trump and since Your side of the political aisle, the Left has also exhibited the most hateful diatribes against anyone supporting Donald Trump, it appears that maybe your displaced anger should try and reorient itself to the correct place where it belongs.

That would be with your side of the political aisle, don't you think?

After all, your former candidate Hilary Clinton, whom you voted for, attacked every person who voted for the "Republican" candidate Donald Trump as being in a "basket of deplorables".

Now I'm not trying to pick on you, but do you have a similar utter disdain for Hillary Clinton that you hold for others whom you claim "Hate" the left??  Just wondering.  Maybe you can clarify?

Do you have the mental aptitude to clarify and explain your reasoning for supporting Hillary Clinton when she called everyone who voted for Donald Trump a bunch of Deplorable humans not worthy of even speaking to?

You don't seem to hold the same indignation for her, that you have for anyone who speaks out against the vile Anti-Jew mindset that your leftist Democrats have for the Jewish state?

Your political party, which has exhibited the most hateful vile speech against the right side of the political aisle then is Justifed hatred is it?

But yet any criticism or hatred of the actions and the conduct of leftists who are Anti-semitic top to bottom, is somehow a terrible thing?  

Can you please elaborate or explain the strange dichotomy you have?  smile 

I'm just seeking clarity. 

It appears that when the members of your political party, leftist Democrats, exhibit the most hateful speech calling Donald Trump Hitler, Satin, a dictator, etc..., this is Justified and OK in your eyes, but yet when anyone in the other political party calls out your bigots who run the Universities, they are sleazy scumbags according to you?
Care to comment on all of the terrorist attacks you predicted mr politics or are you going to hide again?

December 9, 2023 03:05 AM Forum: Politics

I'm starting a go fund me for one of our very own here on the Politics forum. I hope this plea is permitted by AMart. If not I'm sure Herb will let me know. Thanks for advance for your contributions. .

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Richard Davis

Hey I was curious, did your friend Marissa, oh and I call him Marissa because he and I have this friendship going where he refers to me derogatorily as Pope Richie, so I return the favor and refer to him as Marissa smile.  

Anyway to get back to the subject, did you know before today that he was the victim of racism where he works down in Alabama?  

I mean to ask, recently you've stated several times and accused me several times of playing the victim, so now you know that he's apparently playing the victim card.   

I'm curious if he confided in you and let you know his poor situation.  

Hopefully you'll contribute to his legal fund.  smile
Once an ass aways an ass.

December 9, 2023 04:17 AM Forum: Politics

Richard Davis Dickson in one day clarifies how he one of the sleaziest of posters who regurgitates far right talking points and then posts numerous threads spewing his hatred for anyone who is to the left of his far right politics

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Richard Davis

So then I'm confused, are you FOR the go fund me account or not??

And did you want to comment on the names that you've called everyone on the right in the past?

When your Presidential candidate, the one You voted for, called every person who voted for Donald Trump a "basket of deplorables - racists, sexists, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it deplorables.”

Would you characterize that as hateful speech and at the time, did you clap for her in lockstep approval? 

Maybe this is the ticket for you.  When anyone on your side of the political aisle is exhibiting hate, you approve of it, but when it comes back in return, your jaw drops and you are suddenly appalled as hell.
Does that pretty much sum up your unparalleled hypocritical indignation or need I elaborate more??  smile
Dodgeball Davis strikes again. I have never called anyone else on this forum a name, I only reserve that right for you.

 Now, care to comment on all of the terrorist attacks that you predicted will happen?

December 9, 2023 03:00 PM Forum: Politics

To my friends here on the political forum

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by David Cotterell
My regards, Jim, and I hope you can whip that leg back into shape for the WSP!!!

Hi Dave, that’s the plan, although I doubt I’ll be doing any cycling which is something I really enjoy down in the Keys while at the WSP. I start physical therapy in early January.

December 9, 2023 11:02 PM Forum: Politics

To my friends here on the political forum

Posted By Jim Moscheck

Originally Posted by Russ Carroll

Praying for a full recovery!
Thanks Russ, it was a tough day. Whoever has said arthroscopic surgery isn’t too bad was wrong. Docs orders were to take it real easy for two days and that’s just what I’m doing.