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Posts Made By: ~ AstroMart LLC~

December 5, 2011 07:22 PM Forum: A Day in the Life of the Administrator

Ups and Downs of the Forums

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

From time to time I find the need to stop a Forum or Groups of Forums.

Some times it is my own doing. I get too pissed at a couple of "regulars" that I either disagree with or I find personally repugnant or the one that always gets me really pissed - I won't support anymore unless you do what I want you to do - I will sue you - I will not by from ATWB because you said thus and so....

Well screw that - I may still take a forum down from time to time for whatever reason I want - I own them - but I will not be threatened to silence.

I needed to take a few days to reflect and have decided that my views and beliefs are as valid as any and reserve the right to voice them. If you don't want to support Astromart because you disagree then fine - I don't care. If you do agree then get your damn check book out.

Thank you and let the 1st amendment begin again.


December 9, 2011 11:49 PM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

$3,800,000 ?? Really? So that is why they do it!

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

December 14, 2011 07:07 PM Forum: Politics

Politics - not....

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

... Religion
Not poor Erik.
Not Clyde's killing zone


Thank you


December 17, 2011 10:05 PM Forum: Politics

This forum has less than 24 hours to live...

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

... if no one will moderate it for religious posts it will be deleted - not turned off for a while - deleted.

Thank you

December 17, 2011 10:05 PM Forum: Religion

This forum has less than 24 hours to live...

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

... if no one will moderate it for political posts it will be deleted - not turned off for a while - deleted.

Thank you

December 19, 2011 05:24 PM Forum: No Holds Barred

Astromart is now monitoring this Forum...

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

.... for violations of the TERMS OF SERVICE

It may be necessary to place a moderator on this FORUM

It is in your hands/fingers

Thank you

March 2, 2012 11:27 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Re: Deleted ad question for Mr York

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

If you want to auction items put them on the auction section

Says that every time you place an ad if you would look

Thank you

April 30, 2012 02:46 AM Forum: A Day in the Life of the Administrator

Must be losing our edge..

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

Got it FridayƒThank you!
Wore at NEAF both days and I didnÍt piss anyone off! (disappointed)


May 12, 2012 04:45 PM Forum: A Day in the Life of the Administrator

Why aren't we doing the drawings again?

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

"Don't know how else to ask this question.

Did the April supporters drawing happen? Herb posted saying it was the last one due to what he called people saying it wasn't fair.

Well I feel duped, not that I needed a 41mm Panoptic, but I supported during April and now nothing, not even a comment. I support whenever I have equipment to sell. I feel that you have reneged on the April drawing.

I'd send an email to Herb directly, but can't find a way to do it.

I have always backed Astromart when my astronomy friends complain about the site. I wear my Astromart t shirt all the time at star parties and club observing sessions and here all the comments and complaints but always stick up for Herb. Nice way to be rewarded for my efforts."

No - we have not drawn yet - we do it "around" the 15th like always.
Thank you
PS - Please don't stick up for us - we will take care of that .

June 20, 2012 11:59 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Auction Question

Posted By ~ AstroMart LLC~

if it is a reserve auction and the reserve was met and the guy decides to keep it he can
with the loss of his account.

if it is a no reserve auction and the guy decides to keep it he can with the loss of his account - have an example?

if a guy deletes his auction before it reaches his reserve then no harm no foul

if a person retracts
their bid on an auction for ANY reason their account is banned for a minimum of 48 hour or the expiration of the auction they bid on whichever is greater

AstroMart LLC
[email protected]

On Jun 20, 2012, at 4:48 PM,[email protected] wrote:


If someone post an auction item on astromart , can the owner pull the item before the end of auction date to sell the item to a private buyer not bidding on the auction?

Can the seller in the auction renege on the final price and decide not sell the item because he changed his mind and wants to keep the item he was selling ?

Your insights are helpful if I decide to bid on an item on your web site.

Thank you

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