Image of the day

Captured by
Michael Kolstad

Heart Nebula, IC 1805

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Posts Made By: Andre Moutinho

May 17, 2004 02:49 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Maximum exposure time without correction

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I would like to know the maximum exposure time without having to do error correction. Surely it depends on the mount quality and alignment. It's just to have an idea. Supose a good quality and well aligned mount.
Also supose prime focus on a 10" f/5 scope using a standard astronomy ccd device.


May 25, 2004 02:28 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

difference between the SkyView deluxe GEM and Vixe

Posted By Andre Moutinho

What is the difference between the Orion SkyView

May 26, 2004 01:00 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Is an old orange C8 suitable for ccd astrophotography ?

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I have an old orange C8 equiped with an 9V battery powered tracking system and an manual knob for DEC adjustment. The tracking system has an handpad that can adjust the tracking speed but no eletronic adjustment for DEC errors. Only manual.
I would like to know if it's possible to use an off-axis guider coupled to a SBIG ccd and manually adjust the tracking error. Have anyone tried ccd imaging using this version of C8 ?


May 26, 2004 01:04 AM Forum: Film Astrophotography - Imaging and Processing

Is it possible to do long exp astrophotography with an old C8 ?

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I have an old orange C8 equiped with an 9V battery powered tracking system and an manual knob for DEC adjustment. The tracking system has an handpad that can adjust the tracking speed but no eletronic adjustment for DEC errors. Only manual.
I would like to know if it's possible to use an off-axis guider coupled to a SLR camera and manually adjust the tracking error. Have anyone tried long exposure astrophotography using this version of C8 ?


May 26, 2004 01:20 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Does Orion Intelliscope have interface to PC

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I would like to know if the Orion IntelliScope encoder system has an interface to a PC sofware such as The Sky or Starry Night.
If so, what is the used protocol ?


May 30, 2004 02:06 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

orion intelliscope adaption

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I am interested in using the orion intelliscope controller on a homemade dob.
Is it possible ?
The controller still has an interface to a computer. Do you know the protocol used in order
to interface to other planetary software or it is used only for software update pourposes.

Finnaly, what others DSC I may use for this project ?



May 30, 2004 02:09 PM Forum: Telescope Making

orion intelliscope adaption

Posted By Andre Moutinho

I am interested in using the orion intelliscope on a homemade dob. Is it possible ?
The controller still has an interface to a computer. Do you know the protocol used in order
to interface to other planetary software or it is used only for software update pourposes.

Finnaly, what others DSC I may use for this project ?



May 30, 2004 10:37 PM Forum: A Day in the Life of the Administrator

Available Digital Setting Cirle (DSC) ?

Posted By Andre Moutinho

What are the available DSCs ? Which is better ?


May 30, 2004 10:39 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

What are the available DSCs ?

Posted By Andre Moutinho

What are the available DSCs ? Which is better ?


May 31, 2004 04:31 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Affordable astrophotography GEM mount suggestion

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I am looking for an affordable (maybe used) and not so havy (transportation to Brazil is very expensive) GEM mount for astrophotography up to some minutes in prime focus using off-axis and manual guiding. I intend to use it to take some pictures using a VESTA-SC (modified for long exposure webcam). I wish to use an 7" f/7 newtonian for this job.
I know long exposure astrophotography demands heavy and expensive mounts... but they are not viable for me.
Does anyone have any suggestion of how I can accomplish this task ? Is someone comming to Brazil soon smile ?

