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Posts Made By: Andre Moutinho

July 14, 2004 03:15 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Does Orion SkyView Pro hold the C9.25 ?

Posted By Andre Moutinho

Does the Orion SkyView Pro can hold the C9.25 ? And for to use for astrophotography ?


July 14, 2004 08:41 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Which is better ? lxd55 or SkyView pro mount ?

Posted By Andre Moutinho

Which is better ? lxd55 or SkyView pro mount ?
Which one can hold a heavier scope and offer better
performance for astrophotography.



July 15, 2004 10:07 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

What is the image magnification of a vesta webcam

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I have tried to take so pics using a vesta webcam and I realized that the magnification was much higher than when I try using a 35mm camera. I believe that this difference may be related to the size of the 35mm frame and the size of the vesta ccd. How can I calculate the magnification using the vesta webcam ? I have used a 7" f/7 in prime focus technique.


July 15, 2004 10:10 PM Forum: Telescope Making

How can I specify a secondary for astrophotography

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I intend to build a 7"f/5 or 5"f/5 scope in order to make astrophotos. I would like to know how do I calculate the secondary size in order to use a 35mm camera. What about a vesta webcam ? The secondary specification is the same for both cameras ?


July 15, 2004 10:11 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

What is the focal ratio limit for Astrophotography

Posted By Andre Moutinho


What should be the lower f ratio for astrophotography usage without the comma corrector? F/5 ? There exists differences in comma between a 35mm and a webcam ? I believe so.


July 15, 2004 10:23 PM Forum: Chinese Optics Imports

When the APO 93mm lens reviews will be available ?

Posted By Andre Moutinho

When the APO 93mm lens reviews will be available ?
Does anyone know ? And what about the UWA ep series ?
Bill promissed pin point star images at the edges
down to F3.5. Is it reasonable for a such low cost ep ?



July 17, 2004 04:19 PM Forum: Telescope Making

dob altitude disk size

Posted By Andre Moutinho


I am about to build a dob mount for a 12.5" f/4.7 tube newtonian. What should be a good altitude disk diameter for this scope size ?

July 17, 2004 04:52 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

focal reducer for webcam

Posted By Andre Moutinho


Where do I get a 1.25" focal reducer to be used with a vesta webcam ? Is it possible to build it by myself ? How ?

July 17, 2004 07:38 PM Forum: Telescope Making

Difference between pirex and plate mirror

Posted By Andre Moutinho


What is the difference between a pirex and a plate mirror ?
And if their figure are equal ?

July 17, 2004 09:12 PM Forum: Telescope Making

telescope cooler speed control

Posted By Andre Moutinho

How can I control the cooler speed control used to cool the telescope ?