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Posts Made By: Darian Rachal

March 31, 2004 02:48 PM Forum: Politics

Liberal Radio

Posted By Darian Rachal

I noticed the Liberal Radio network is starting up today. If anyone knows any streaming links I can check out, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, DR

April 1, 2004 12:40 PM Forum: Politics

April 1, 2004 12:42 PM Forum: Religion

April 1, 2004 12:45 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Astro Physics to lower prices!

Posted By Darian Rachal

4-01-04 or 1-04-04 for Maurice.

April 3, 2004 04:22 PM Forum: Politics

Photos of bodies in Iraq

Posted By Darian Rachal . These are some photos that I have not seen on other news sites. I am referring to the burned & mutilated bodies. DR

April 12, 2004 02:42 PM Forum: Politics

Nice looking daughters

Posted By Darian Rachal

FWIW, Matt Drudge has some shots of the President's daughters taken at Easter. They are both very nice looking girls. DR

April 13, 2004 03:56 PM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

APOD Today

Posted By Darian Rachal

I noticed the APOD today refers to iridescent clouds & their visibility. It calls them relatively rare. I have found that while wearing my sunglasses that they are seen reasonably often. The glasses cut down on glare & let the iridescence shine through. If I remove my sunglasses, I am overwhelmed by the glare. DR

April 15, 2004 02:14 AM Forum: Religion

Re: For the record, if

Posted By Darian Rachal

P&R has been a little quite since MC & DW are no longer with us. I believe everyone was a little afraid of arousing Herb's ire. smile DR

April 18, 2004 11:23 AM Forum: Bad to the Bone Autos

Ford GT

Posted By Darian Rachal

Anybody have any thoughts about this car that Ford is coming out with? The pictures sure look nice. DR

April 19, 2004 11:48 AM Forum: Politics

Interesting article on "Palestine"

Posted By Darian Rachal

A pretty good article saying that the idea of a Palestinian state is basically just a ploy in the ongoing efforts to destroy Israel.