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Posts Made By: Darian Rachal

February 2, 2023 11:17 AM Forum: Politics

Late Night Political Humor

Posted By Darian Rachal

I hope some of you fellows find this as funny as I do.

February 2, 2023 11:34 PM Forum: Politics

Late Night Political Humor

Posted By Darian Rachal

Originally Posted by Richard Davis
Thanks Darian, that was truly funny.   smile

Back in the day, they knew how to do political humor.  Plus, it really was clever.  The No Sir Yassir bit was hilarious.  
Rich, some of those skits that Carson did are priceless.

February 6, 2023 12:45 AM Forum: Politics

Do you have your chicken wings for the Super Bowl?

Posted By Darian Rachal

Originally Posted by Richard Davis
Call Wing Pit.  Great sales on now!

February 9, 2023 03:21 AM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Sales tax question

Posted By Darian Rachal

Originally Posted by John Natale
When I sell items on Astromart, am I required to charge sales tax? If so, what state should the tax be charged- the state of the person I am selling to or the state where I live? I live in CT if that makes any difference in your response. I don't have an accountant or other tax professional I can ask, so I was hoping for some guidance here. The items I sell and/or buy are low-cost (i.e., under $500 typically); not sure if sales tax is even an issue but wanted to get confirmation. 
John, I've never considered doing that. IMO, don't worry about it. smile Shipping costs are high enough. I shipped a couple of oculars recently. The weight of the package(6"x6" box) was 14.9 ounces. I told the buyer if he'd pay $5.00 of the shipping cost, I'd pay the rest. The package to OH via USPS was $10.65.

February 16, 2023 06:46 AM Forum: Politics

Sad today....

Posted By Darian Rachal

Yes, she was quite a doll 😍

February 23, 2023 04:37 AM Forum: Politics

Haley is running!

Posted By Darian Rachal

Originally Posted by James Brown

Rod, you are as predictable and gullible as anyone I've ever interacted with.  Keep on believing that Nikki Haley is a white supremacist!  CNN is digging deep now!  Equating Haley to Trump is not enough.  Now she has to be tied to white nationalists!  CNN must be terrified!   

There is no difference in degree between CNN and Fox, they are widely accepted to be equally biased in opposite directions.  You know that right?
Jim, I'm curious, which "news source"(MSM) do you think gives the most reliable/worthwhile information? To what do you attribute Fox dominating CNN in the ratings? smile

February 23, 2023 10:50 AM Forum: Politics

Haley is running!

Posted By Darian Rachal

Originally Posted by James Brown

Hi Darian:

The BBC without question.  Seriously, their reporting on the US is much better than the domestic offerings.   I think the news from APthe WSJ, and the NYT are the best.  I love NPR for anything but politics.  Their political "reporting is so biased as to be useless.  No one has balanced political reporting though.  

I think Fox crushes CNN because of demographics.  Old people tend to watch TV and they tend to be conservative, so they gravitate to Fox.  Young people get their political fix on line or (puke) from social media.  Young people tend to be liberal.  CNN is targeting a smaller audience for traditional TV political coverage than Fox is.

Thanks, Jim. I occasionally check into the BBC Asia site to check on events in Sri Lanka; I have some friends living there. I may take a look at their USA reporting.

Some people consider Fox the gospel, others view CNN the same way.🙂

February 28, 2023 02:27 AM Forum: Politics

DeSantis Takes Over Disney's Districting!

Posted By Darian Rachal

A little different "perspective" on the matter. smile

February 28, 2023 03:08 AM Forum: Politics

DeSantis Takes Over Disney's Districting!

Posted By Darian Rachal

Originally Posted by Rod Kaufman

Do you really believe Disney, as per your link, went "full-groomer"!?
Rod, to be very honest, I've read bits and pieces about the situation with Disney and DeSantis. I haven't been engrossed in the matter, but I generally view DeSantis favorably. It is my understanding that Disney has been pushing the homosexual agenda just a bit in their films. Didn't they come out with a cartoon(?) of some sort recently lamenting the plight of "blacks" in the US? 

February 28, 2023 05:57 AM Forum: Politics

DeSantis Takes Over Disney's Districting!

Posted By Darian Rachal

Originally Posted by James Lacey

What's truly funny is how afraid right-wingers are of "CRT," or "wokeness," or the "gay agenda," or the boogeyman du jour their handlers have dreamed up for them to be afraid of. And to think they have the nerve to call the other side "snowflakes" when they are so fearful of any change that they want to enshrine into law the censorship they think will protect them from their boogeymen. They fear they can't win in public debate and must pass laws forcing their prohibitions on everyone else. Ultimately they will lose, though, just like they lost the argument over confederate statues. Social change is inevitable; the overarching theme is inclusion, tolerance, and liberalism.
James, what happens when the pendulum swings in the other direction?