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Posts Made By: Don Wyman

September 7, 2003 01:51 AM Forum: Celestron

Due Sheilds

Posted By Don Wyman

Here's a link showing my homemade dew shields.

Don Wyman

September 9, 2003 10:54 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Equipment you most regretted selling.....

Posted By Don Wyman

Astrophysics Star 12ED, Quantum 4. Wish I had them both back.

Don Wyman

September 22, 2003 08:34 PM Forum: TeleVue

Televue 76 Planetary views

Posted By Don Wyman

Yeah, really really small images of Mars with little or no detail. That's with a 4.8mm Nagler. I don't look at the moon, can't help you there.

Don Wyman

September 25, 2003 09:39 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

SP & GP - What's the difference

Posted By Don Wyman

The difference is in how you attach an OTA to the mount. The SP's required bolting rings to the mount, the GP series uses a dovetail system.

Don Wyman

October 3, 2003 03:56 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

144 tooth worm wheel

Posted By Don Wyman

Vixen Super Polaris, Great Polaris and Great Polaris DX mounts all have 144 tooth gears. So do the various CG-5 clones including the new Celestron ASC series GEMS. I'm a member of a Yahoo group that specializes in adapting various GOTO motor sets to other mounts. For the most part we use Meade DS and more recently LXD series motors on GP, CG5 mounts but can possibly help you to do the same with yours.

Come talk to us at RoboScope:

Don Wyman

October 7, 2003 02:31 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Nextar 11 piggyback

Posted By Don Wyman

I used a TV-85 on mine and it worked great. Just make sure to balance it well.

Don Wyman

October 7, 2003 10:39 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Double stacking

Posted By Don Wyman

Talked to both Nick and Gerry at Coronado and they both suggested going to the SM 60 rather than stacking 40's.

Don Wyman

October 8, 2003 11:18 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Solar Max 40 Set Up

Posted By Don Wyman

I've used both and notice no difference. In fact, I used the SM40 on a Ranger, Pronto and the TV-76 with no noticeable difference. H-Alpha observing does not require an APO scope.

Don Wyman

October 11, 2003 11:54 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

WO 2" Diagonal

Posted By Don Wyman

I have three right now. Two are the $99 versions and I have one of the new $199 Dielectric models. Excellent quality and price.

Don Wyman

October 18, 2003 12:57 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

celestron accesory kit

Posted By Don Wyman

I like it. I can use my Digi-T camera adapter on them all and they are of very good quality. Not on the same par as the Televues or Meade 4000 but a good starter or second set.

Don Wyman