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Posts Made By: Marc Zukoff

November 22, 2003 06:41 PM Forum: Home Observatories

Re. A few observatory completion questions

Posted By Marc Zukoff

I was wondering about a few things for my 10X10 roll off observatory:

1) Is insulation reccomeded in the interior? Vapor
2) Does anyone reccomend exterior paint on the
interior walls to keep out moisture?
3)What is the best way to keep humidity down?
De-humidifier? Light on?
4)Is an exhaust fan reccomended?
5)The flooring is wood and i was wondering about the adavantages or disadavantages of putting down indoor-outdoor carpeting


January 20, 2004 11:52 PM Forum: Zeiss

APQ Manual?

Posted By Marc Zukoff


Does anyone have any idea where I can obtain a copy of the APQ manual?


Marc Zukoff

March 14, 2004 02:36 PM Forum: Refractors

Flourite use in apo's?

Posted By Marc Zukoff


Can anyone provide some of the advantages for the use of flourite
in apo's?
Assuming two scopes of identical aperature, one a flourite with a
slightly faster focal length and the other an ED lens(both meet abbe
criteria), would one see a differnce at the eyepiece?
Is flourite less durable over time? More fragile?


Marc Zukoff

May 1, 2004 06:22 PM Forum: Home Observatories

Maintaning humidty and lower Temps?

Posted By Marc Zukoff


I live in N.J. and was wondering how people deal with high temps and humidty in the summer. I have a roll off roof observatory. I was think about a window fan or a de-humidifier. Anyone run an AC?

Marc Zukoff

May 22, 2004 08:09 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re. International postal money order ?

Posted By Marc Zukoff


I recently sold a telescope to a person in Japan. The gentleman sent me the money as an international postal money order. I deposited the money into my bank account. After a few days I checked to make sure the money orders had cleared. The branch officer told me these type of international payements can have a problem even a month after depositing them. They could be fraudulent and take some time for that to be evident. Hopefully not in this case.
What type of payments are reccomended for an international tranaction?

Marc zukoff

October 5, 2004 11:46 PM Forum: Home Observatories


Posted By Marc Zukoff


Anyone using one that can operate below 50 degrees. I have a 9X9 in N.J., and just got a nice amountof dew on my new apo.

Marc zukoff

October 10, 2004 05:17 PM Forum: Pictures of Me and My Telescope and........

My new Tec 200mm

Posted By Marc Zukoff


My newly arrived dream scope on an AP 1200 GTO mount.

Marc zukoff

October 15, 2004 03:06 PM Forum: Home Observatories


Posted By Marc Zukoff


I have a small roll off ion my backtard. I wanted some type of insulating material to decrease the moisture. Any suggestions?

Marc Zukoff

December 31, 2004 10:19 PM Forum: Home Observatories

Observatory alarms?

Posted By Marc Zukoff


Anyone have a suggestion for an inexpensive alarm that I can easily install myself? Perhaps something that is wireless.

Marc Zukoff

March 15, 2005 03:11 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

My First saturn

Posted By Marc Zukoff

My first real effort. 800 frames with Atik color camera. Tec 200mm apo. at F23.5. Seeing was only fair. Processed with Registax and Picasa.

Marc Zukoff