Posts Made By: Gann Maurizio

January 29, 2004 10:40 PM Forum: APM

Buy TMB 152 o 175 F\8

Posted By Gann Maurizio

I would like to purchase a refractor apo of 6" or 7". The delivery time of the Astrophysics is very very long, so I am thinking to buy a TMB. I would want a council on the quality of the optical and if draft of one good choice.


Maurizio Masetti

December 3, 2004 10:52 PM Forum: Pictures of Me and My Telescope and........

The two brothers

Posted By Gann Maurizio

My new instrumentation. The two brothers, TakaFS152 and the Tec140 together that explore the sky. I am very happy.

Maurizio (Roma)

September 27, 2005 11:19 AM Forum: Pictures of Me and My Telescope and........

My new setup.

Posted By Gann Maurizio

Ciao a tutti.
Finally after so much had possession a Tec 140 and a TakaFS152, have realized my dreams. Possession the new AP 160 on the AP900GTO. And' really fantastic. grin smile wink


February 4, 2004 08:20 AM Forum: APM

New TMB Tube Design coming now

Posted By Gann Maurizio

Please how much hung this new intubation? The model puts into effect them me sembre hung 18 kg. If there is a remarkable saving of weight it is possible to make a TMB175 with this new intubation and FeatherTouch 3545?.
