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Posts Made By: George Kiger

January 31, 2008 09:50 PM Forum: Sports

Should the Patriots get an asterisk?

Posted By George Kiger

I am a Cowboys fan, so yes, the Patriots cheated and deserve an asterisk.

Not sure why they would bug their own equipment room, though . . .

March 11, 2008 04:47 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Ultimate Small Telescope--Questar for the 21st?

Posted By George Kiger

I like the concept. How about the Stellarvue 90T (90mm triple, fluorite center element, f/7)?

April 4, 2008 02:59 PM Forum: Refractors

william optics annouces new 150mm and 158 mm ed sc

Posted By George Kiger

Daniel Janosick said:
...158mm is F7...

That's an odd size. I wonder why they didn't just go 2mm larger.

May 8, 2008 08:35 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

16" f/1.2 boat anchor?

Posted By George Kiger

Gary Pakalski said:

Anyone see the 16" mirror on *bay? They say it's f/1.2 "Terabeam". Anyone got any better ideas what this would be for other than what I'm thinking?


My guess is that Terabeam means it is/was used in a spotlight.

I need a good boat anchor - any info on thickness or weight?

July 14, 2008 04:48 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

SCT for the high-power crowd?

Posted By George Kiger

Another possibility would be a used 10" f/20 or 8" f/15.5 Mak-Cass by TEC. Same goals as your design - small obstruction and generous focal length.

July 22, 2008 11:14 PM Forum: Reflectors

NEW:Orion 190mm Mak Newt Astrograph

Posted By George Kiger

Interesting product. I like the price and size. The surfaces, including the mirror, are almost certainly spherical (at least that would be the goal), and at f/5.3 they would not be too steep. This scope would not, as claimed, have a flat field (it would have a radius of about 1 meter). I also think adding Astrograph to the name is pushing the marketing envelope in a less than genuine way.

I wonder if the quality of the scope is good . . .

August 15, 2008 07:09 PM Forum: Sports

Bob Costas the greatest sportscaster of all time..

Posted By George Kiger

Lee Spain said:

...or NOT? shocked

We've watched a lot of Olympics on Mute! wink

You misspelled the adjective before sportscaster - it should have read grate-est for the affect on listeners nerves.

December 5, 2008 08:41 PM Forum: Sports

Will the SEC champion be National Champion?

Posted By George Kiger

Either Alabama or Florida will likely play Oklahoma in the 'championship' game...
and I predict Oklahoma will win that game.

December 30, 2008 10:03 PM Forum: Sports

Bowl predictions?

Posted By George Kiger

Lee Spain said:


OK, I'll go: Florida Gators 52, Oklahoma Sooners 9. wink

OU in a real dog fight - 27-24.

March 9, 2009 09:26 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

Which Astrograph?

Posted By George Kiger


Do you mean Mak-Newt? If not, then why not get a longer Cass for a larger image scale. By the way, neither of these scopes has a flat field, but they likely have enough depth of focus to be considered flat for a small chip size.