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Posts Made By: Damian Peach

December 23, 2004 08:04 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Registax 3 vs Registax 2 (VERY inconclusive)

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi all,

The difference that exists between R2 and 3 in terms of the final image quality is in my opinion very slight if it is even present at all.

I've done much testing on the quality routines, and all fail to grade Planetary AVIs with any great accuracy. I've been in touch with Cor quite closely about my finidings for some weeks, and he also agrees. The Local Contrast option seems to do a better job, but is no better than the classic routine in R2, and with further recent testing, i actually prefer R2's quality grading result which is on the whole more accurate. Others ive talked with whove done similar testing came to the same result. I only performed the testing on Saturn imagery, so results will no doubt differ with other objects, especially the Moon which has quite different considerations.

The good news is, Cor is already developing a new quality estimator that i'm testing for him, and i hope to assist him in bringing a first class quality grading algorithm into a future release. We are already making good headway.

His response to new ideas and suggestions is really first class and the imaging community is fortunate to have someone like Cor behind the program.

Best Wishes,


December 24, 2004 01:36 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Ptolemaeus-Alphonsus-Arzechel mosiac

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi Paul,

Very nice work. Youve captured many finer details. That trio is always a nice target :-).

Best Wishes


December 29, 2004 06:13 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Pitatus and Hesiodus "A" Mosaic

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi Wes,

Stunning image as with all your lunar images i'd seen looking back through the forum. Some of the finest Lunar images ive seen from an Earth based telescope (along with Daversin's 24" images.)

I think its really proof (ive talked with others on this) that large apertures really do great things on the higher contrasted lunar surface that smaller telescopes cant match. Your own and Daversin's images are more the enough proof of this i think.

Best Wishes for the new year,


January 2, 2005 01:38 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

New Years Eve, Eve Saturn

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi Ed,

A very nice and well processed Saturn image. The effort in the freezing cold was worth it.

Best Wishes,


January 7, 2005 11:47 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Re: Saturn on January 5th, 2005.

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi all,

Re: questions on filtered imaging.

For this image, i took a 300sec AVI for the L image using G+IR rejection (integrated light could also be used.) I then shot a 200sec AVI using the ToUcam for the colour. The L image is about 2500 images. This is by far the easiest way to do LRGB imaging with Saturn. However of course, it must be stressed that seeing is the #1 factor. As Eric's images show, the ToUcam can produce superb results also. What he mentioned on another thread about watching the weather carefully is very true - one has to be a meteorologist as well as an astronomer smile

For this image, the edge of the jetstream was about 300miles to the North, and upper winds dropped low enough to give steady images for a while. Now its back to 50mph winds at sea level sad.

Thanks for all your comments.


January 9, 2005 02:48 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Anyone remember this page?

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi Paul,

What a fascinating exercise. Its interesting how everyone's are different. I like Cor and Andrea's processed versions best i think.

I sent you my own version of your image privately.

Nice work smile


January 9, 2005 03:06 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Hires Schiller

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi Wes,

A great shot. The floor detail is really fine. Thats the best image ive seen of that crater.

Have you tried the firewire camera on Saturn or Jupiter?. Just curious as to how it performs, as i tried one somewhile back, but it lacked good sensitivity for Planetary work.

Best Wishes


January 12, 2005 01:05 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn January 10

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi Jim,

Very nice shot. However, i'd have too say that "8-9/10" is just slightly better than pretty good wink

Best Wishes


January 20, 2005 11:15 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System


Posted By Damian Peach

Hi Wes,

Great shot. Glad you had a break in the weather smile


January 22, 2005 02:11 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

JUPITER.... early catch!

Posted By Damian Peach

Hi Ivan,

A lovely shot of Jupiter. Worth the early effort smile

Best Wishes
