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Posts Made By: J. Allen Como

February 20, 2006 02:32 PM Forum: Film Astrophotography - Imaging and Processing

Mauna Kea star trail

Posted By J. Allen Como

Hi Wei-Hoa:

Great shots. I visited Mauna Kea last year and I'd love to come back to take star tail pictures. I noticed your use of a polarizer on the one shot. I plan on taking some star trail pictures this weekend using Canon F-1s, with a 24mm and 20 mm lens, Fuji Reala 100asa film and was going to experiment using a Minus Violet and Hydrogen-Alpha Filter. Do you have any experience or recommendations on these filters and star trails.

Thanks, Allen Como
Stuart, Florida

March 7, 2006 01:20 PM Forum: Film Astrophotography - Imaging and Processing

Kissimmee Pairie Star Trails

Posted By J. Allen Como

Just another pic.


April 19, 2006 09:29 PM Forum: Reflectors

lightest weight tube 12" Dob?

Posted By J. Allen Como

You might want to look for a Starmaster 12.5" f5 EL, a model that is not made any more. While it is a truss DOB the entire truss and cage assembly come off with just 4 hand bolts as in the current 14.5" and 10" hybrid models. I find that collimation holds pretty well between assembly. The lower portion can be easily handled with a handcart.


Allen, a 12.5 f5 EL owner

August 22, 2006 05:13 PM Forum: Home Observatories

Where to/how to start?

Posted By J. Allen Como

Dear Eric:

This should be a layup. Your biggest obstacle, the fact that your HOA allows external buildings, has been removed. In my experience Board members of HOA serve out of civic duty and are not on power trips. I imagine if you use a little common sense in your design and build your observatory with elements that match your house (like roofing material, color and trim) and comply with setback requirements you would probably be ok. Commnication is key.


Allen Como

October 2, 2006 06:06 PM Forum: Refractors


Posted By J. Allen Como

The NP-127is has a short focal length was idealy made for photography. The TEC 140 would be better at f7. I recommend a good quality used, long focal length refractor like an AP Star12 ED (120mm f8.35), you'll have money left over.



March 6, 2007 01:26 PM Forum: Refractors

Balancing a 6” F/12 tube

Posted By J. Allen Como

I am in the process of doing the same thing, 6" f12 AP on G-11. I haven't achieved 100% satisfaction but I'm getting closer. I am using a Robin Casady 14" dovetail saddle plate and a 23.75" dovetail plate, both the biggest one's I can find w/o going custom made. I also use a TV 1-1/4" to 2" bronze adapter when viewing. I am condsidering using a TV Ranger as a finder to bring more weight to the focuser end of things so the tube will be more centered on the scope. Hope this helps.

Regards, Allen

March 8, 2007 12:53 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

First scope advise...

Posted By J. Allen Como

The Sky and Telescope website has a great premier on your first scope. In regards astrophotography some people call it a hobby, some call it an "affliction". I concur with the latter (don't call me Sarah Silverman).

Regards, Allen

February 27, 2023 11:39 AM Forum: Reflectors

Starmaster Repair

Posted By J. Allen Como

Hi All;

I'm original owner of a 18" f4 Starmaster dob purchased in 2009.  After many years observing in the humid skies of Florida the black coating on the bearings are showing signs of wear and a spot or two on the natural wood could also use a touch up.  I'd appreciate any advice the the coating used on the bearings and what type of varnish to use on the natural wood. 


Allen Como
Stuart, FL