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Steven Yu

Triangulum Galaxy

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Posts Made By: Jim Phillips

February 1, 2006 11:18 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn Storm/Spot last night

Posted By Jim Phillips

TMB 8" F/9
5X Powermate
Seeing 8/10
12:00- 12:06 EST (5:00- 5:06 UT)February 1, 2006

Jim Phillips

February 3, 2006 02:45 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn Storm Mosaic

Posted By Jim Phillips

See attached FYI.

Jim Phillips

February 8, 2006 11:09 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn February 7, 2006

Posted By Jim Phillips

Fair Seeing
TMB 8" F/9
5X Powermate

Jim Phillips

February 10, 2006 04:07 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn Storm February 9-10, 2006

Posted By Jim Phillips

TMB 8" F/9
5X Powermate
Atik color camera
seeing: Good
3:14- 3:20 UT February 10, 2006

Jim Phillips

February 14, 2006 04:15 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

More Saturn Storm

Posted By Jim Phillips

TMB 8" F/9
5X Powermate
1:38- 1:44 UT February 14, 2006
Seeing 8-9/10

Jim Phillips

February 16, 2006 05:36 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn Last Night

Posted By Jim Phillips

The seeing was very good last night asnd I boosted the Focal lengthg just for fun.
On my laptop the color looks dead on but on my desktop the color looks too green.
I will upload two images. Please let me know which one (if any) you like.

TMB 8"F/9
2X into 3x barlow
Seeing 8-9/10

February 19, 2006 03:48 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn February 15-16 2006

Posted By Jim Phillips

I posted my image of Saturn with 6X Barlow (2x into 3x).
Here is an image taken with a 5X powermate. FYI.
TMB 8" F/9

Jim Phillips

February 25, 2006 03:03 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn Last Night

Posted By Jim Phillips

TMB 8" F/9
5X Powermate
Seeing 7-8/10
Atik 2C webcam. Registax.

Jim Phillips
Charleston, SC

March 1, 2006 12:20 AM Forum: Reflectors


Posted By Jim Phillips

If you owned a 12.5" F/6 mirror of excellent quality and you were all thumbs (as I am),
who would you have build your OTA for you?


March 2, 2006 11:18 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Old White Spot :^)

Posted By Jim Phillips

Here is an image from last night showing the remnants of the old white spot.

TMB 8" F/9
5X Powermate

Jim Phillips