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Captured by
Steven Yu

Triangulum Galaxy

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Posts Made By: Jim Phillips

December 12, 2008 06:17 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn Nov 1

Posted By Jim Phillips

Excellent image! Beautiful job Paul!

Jim Phillips

January 16, 2009 07:35 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Rare Saturn Triple Transit Tonight?

Posted By Jim Phillips

Yes at about 3:00 AM EST. But, faint moons.
Probably very difficult to see or image.

Jim Phillips

January 22, 2009 04:59 PM Forum: Solar System Observing

Saturn this morning

Posted By Jim Phillips

Note the very thin line above (South) of the rings in the EZ.


July 21, 2010 10:58 AM Forum: ASTRONOMY

Package lost between Canada and South Carolina

Posted By Jim Phillips

Package arrived safe and sound. You were all correct. It was held up in customs and when the seller initiated a search from his end the scope was shipped to me. Thanks for all the kind remarks. Patience is indeed the answer!



August 20, 2016 03:38 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

September 13, 2005 12:14 PM Forum: Polls

ATWB buying and selling used on AstroMart

Posted By Jim Phillips

Fine with me. Althopugh I buy too much already :^). If Herb wants to buy something that's no problem for me. If he wants to sell something, well, who knows, I just may buy it. Yikes!!
Welcome aboard Herb!

Jim Phillips

September 13, 2005 03:39 PM Forum: Polls

ATWB buying and selling used on AstroMart

Posted By Jim Phillips

Good points. I was thinking more in terms of Anacortes selling used items which does not bother me at all. But, sitting ready to pounce on a bargain before I or someone else can get to it to turn around and resell at a higher price, now that's tough...
Thanks for posting.

Jim PhillipsI

October 11, 2006 05:17 PM Forum: Polls

The biggest threat to world peace

Posted By Jim Phillips

I agree with you! Well put.

Jim Phillips

August 11, 2010 11:47 PM Forum: Polls

My Favorite Network News Is...

Posted By Jim Phillips

All the Media with rare exception, like Fox News, is Left leaning to outright Left wing liberals who Love Obama and the Democrats Liberal agenda. Thank the Heavens there is one News organization that is NOT! Obama's administration and used car salesman Axelrod tried that "Fox is not a news organization" Crap, and the rest of the media stood up for Fox. That says a lot about you and your biased opinions.



August 18, 2010 06:23 PM Forum: Polls

I agree with Mr Obama

Posted By Jim Phillips

Once again Lyle jumps in with both feet to defend President Barak Hussein Obama when most of us feel he is doing the wrong thing. Lyle, you are a left wing democrat and you are welcome to your views but YOU sir are the self-centered idiot here not the people who said in the poll that it is "not a good idea". You then turn around yourself and say it is not a good idea. This has nothing to do with anyone's Constitutional right to do this. It has to do with the insensitivity of doing it, the "in your face" attitude of the people doing this. The fact that the President of the US felt he had to lecture the people of this country about the issue shows his bias. He has gone around the Muslim world bowing to Sheiks and apologizing for America's actions. It is indeed the radical Islamists who are the enemy but the so-called moderate Muslims are unfortunately tainted by the blood the radical Islamists are shedding. Their silence is deafening. Why isn't there a moderate Muslim group out here rallying against this shameful act?
So you see Lyle it is not the Constitutional right to do this that is the question to me. It is the fact that it shows a crassness an unfeeling attitude about what this area means to many, but not all, Americans. We consider it a desecration, and probably meant to be, by the people building the Mosque. Why did they choose this area? I know what I think. I support the building of a Mosque somewhere else. Perhaps your neighborhood Lyle!

