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Michael Kolstad

Heart Nebula, IC 1805

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Posts Made By: Greg Shaffer

March 3, 2009 11:12 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Pluck Foam Cases

Posted By Greg Shaffer

I guess "Equipment Talk" is as good a place as any to post this.....

Ran across these folks while searching for a reasonable source for accessory cases of the pluck foam flavor. Thought their pricing was very reasonable so I figured I would perhaps chance on passing it on and look like a fool because you all already knew about it smile

Kinda like the injection molded yellow ones myself but the blow molded ones are definately inexpensive and come in a LOT of sizes.

Anywho.....Clear Skies smile

March 7, 2009 02:32 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Updating my address

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Joined back in 05 however since then I have moved. Currently I am a supporter as my intrest in the hobby expanded and I started making purchases (and likely a few sales along the way) and it seemed the right thing to do smile

Anywho, my question is this....I need to update my address on my profile but want to confirm that it wont affect anything regarding my few ratings or heaven forbid incurr a $12.00 fee, just kidding, I just dont want to lose the few ratings I have smile

Greg Shaffer

March 10, 2009 06:56 PM Forum: Mounts

Mount Mod Question

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Lets hear from the experts smile

Have a LXD75 mount. Going to replace the stock tripod with a much heavier LX200 standard tripod.

I can have a 4" tall by 4.5" diameter by 1/4" thick aluminum tube as part of the mount adapter OR a 12" one which would in effect become a 12" pier on top of the heavier lx200 tripod.

Which would be the steadier configuration.....short adapter on extended tripod or the 12" pier as part of the adapter and keep the tripod collapsed? Opinions?


March 29, 2009 04:19 PM Forum: Ask rating questions here

Looks like the proper venue for this question

Posted By Greg Shaffer

I recently purchased a finderscope from another AMart user who has a 7/1 rating all good. His ad made no mention of pretty severe paint chips nor did he disclose this in our negotiations. HOWEVER I feel obligated to accept some responsibility for this as I didnt ASK either....I did however indicate I was somewhat of a older Vixen buff and had been looking for a matching finder for a MINT OTA.

Finder arrived, and there are 7 chips in the paint from holder screws, 4 minor and 3 pretty severe IMO.....functionally flawless.

I emailed the seller indicating I was somewhat dissappointed to discover this, I indicated that I feel obligated to accept some responsibility since I didnt ask even though he didnt tell. I did not indicate I wanted to return it and I dont think I do. It has however been 2 days with no response and I just sent a follow up wherein I indicated I sincerely hoped he was just unavailable and not just ignoring my concern, I have not posted feedback and indicated I would give it a couple more days before I do.

Because I feel somewhat at fault for neglecting to ask, I dont intend to give him a BAD rating but I would sure feel a whole lot better about the deal were he to step up and say SOMETHING.....

His pics showed it in the holder so the chips were hidden....our deal however didnt include the holder. Basically I am looking for input on how long I should wait to hear from him before I proceed.


May 31, 2009 12:42 AM Forum: LUNATICS

The moon in daylight

Posted By Greg Shaffer

I did something I have never done this evening which is take a look at the moon while it is still daylight. I cant say why I have not done it before.....just never thought about it I guess. I bought an AR6 recently and of course the sky has been terrible for about 2 weeks now. Was out on the deck setting up as tonight is the 1st night it has been clear since I got the AR6 and it was there and I was there and I threw a 17mm Hyperion in and took a look.

What I saw took me off was crystal clear, sharp and NO CA.....none, nada.....Now I know when it gets dark the AR6 *will* have a little color....but the daylight wiped it out. So I threw in a 5mm and was rewarded with yet again no CA.....the image was just a bit soft but still very nice.....I didnt expect this but I will take it smile

July 28, 2009 10:16 PM Forum: Ask rating questions here

Re: Deminishing ratings

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Personally I find my concern to be with the content of my ratings rather than the quantity......As for watching the quantity diminish, sounds like you should buy more and sell more smile

Stephen Young said:

Why am I watching my ratings score decrease over time? Isn't a completed transaction the same as "a deals a deal" whether that individual choses to remain with Astromart or not? Why bother building this score if it will deminish over time. I've lost over 30+ feedback points the last three years. I know because I keep a separate transaction sheet. Frustrating...

July 29, 2009 05:49 PM Forum: A Day in the Life of the Administrator


Posted By Greg Shaffer

Are you sure they didnt send me your T-shirt? Says "AstroCop" on the front smile

Anywho.....Thanks for the T-shirt to you and all at Anacortes!


September 12, 2009 09:06 PM Forum: A Day in the Life of the Administrator

Classified Notifications

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Anyone else not getting the emails when someone inserts an ad? Was working early this morning but have not recieved a single notice all afternoon.......

October 14, 2009 05:51 PM Forum: A Day in the Life of the Administrator

Contact info change for Amart

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Herb.....the posting about the further separation of Astromart from Anacortes somewhat implies that you are no longer THE man when it comes to all things Amart related. Is that the case or am I reading something into it that isnt there?


November 14, 2009 05:35 PM Forum: Telescope Making

a little math help

Posted By Greg Shaffer

In the planning stages of expanding my observatory with the idea of eventually installing an 8" F/18 OTA. Just how does one figure out how long the tube is going to be on an 8" F/18 refractor?
