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Posts Made By: Greg Shaffer

July 21, 2024 01:12 AM Forum: Politics

Still No Medical Report On Trump's Ear: Shards Of Glass?

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Originally Posted by Rod Kaufman
Greg, don't you think the same questions would arise if that happened to Biden? Don't you think that you'd be reading and perhaps even opining that if, in fact, it was a bullet instead of a piece of debris that it would have blown his ear off and the fact that it didn't indicates a debris field instead?

Addressing both Rod and Dave.

No.....a 22 caliber sized bullet is going to do pretty much the same damage whether its traveling under 1000 ft per sec or over 3000 ft per sec since there is no volume of meat to damage with an fact depending on where it hit the ear it could be nothing more than a 22 cal hole. Sort of like using a paper punch lol Think of it this way. Shoot a .22 rifle or a .223 AR at a pc of cardboard. What you get is a 22 caliber hole, neither will blow up the cardboard.....

I have no doubt many of the same theories and questions would arise regardless of who got shot.....

The bottom line is they have images that capture the bullets in flight......exit the silly glass shard claims in the face of hard evidence. Those promoting the glass shard are simply trying to discredit Trump with a lie.

I do agree it matters little whether it was a bullet or a glass shard in the grand scheme of things.....bottom line is it was an assassination attempt.

There is a lot going on that has yet to be unpacked in my opinion...... I hope the full truth comes out whatever it is.

Ohh and I just saw where the head of the SS is likely to resign by Monday......dont blame her, she should be FIRED.

July 21, 2024 10:31 PM Forum: Politics

Biden drops out!

Posted By Greg Shaffer

So ultimately there is light at the end of the tunnel......That puppet err I mean Biden should never have been President in the 1st place and spent his entire term proving it.

I have grown to appreciate Trump's brutality more than I expected......

I just genuinely hope we dont end up with Kamala. I can hear Trump now in a debate with her....."She got where she is on her knees, will she run the country from her knees as well?" lol

July 23, 2024 03:19 PM Forum: Politics

Kamala Harris smashes fundraising record with stunning $81 million haul over 24 hours

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Have you folks seen some of the gobbledygook that comes out of her mouth in interviews and speeches? Literally nonsensical....not to mention she is way FAR left of where Joe ever was.....

July 23, 2024 04:39 PM Forum: Politics

Kamala Harris smashes fundraising record with stunning $81 million haul over 24 hours

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Originally Posted by Jim Moscheck

I'll counter that with have you ever heard any of the gobbledygook that comes out of Trump's mouth in interviews and speeches? Literally nonsensical. But you don't care about that, do you?

When have you EVER seen me say I am a huge fan of Trumps?  I still say he is his own worst enemy..... That said, at least you know what he is saying......not so much with her.

July 23, 2024 04:41 PM Forum: Politics

Kamala Harris smashes fundraising record with stunning $81 million haul over 24 hours

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Originally Posted by Brian McFarland

Apparently, that doesn't count - he has an R next to his name.

See my response to Moscheck......

July 23, 2024 08:34 PM Forum: Politics

Kamala Harris smashes fundraising record with stunning $81 million haul over 24 hours

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Originally Posted by Rod Kaufman

Really?!  I call BS on all of that: And when the hell did you ever listen to her?

Dont get out much do you? lol

Some of us prefer to be well informed about those who run the country......unlike yourself. There are many examples of her making no sense whatsoever......

That said the times she does make sense are concerning as well....

For example, "when we invest in clean energy, electric vehicles and REDUCE POPULATION, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water."

Just a brief example of one nonsensical statement she made as well.....

"The problem of solving a problem is not a problem, but when a problem solves a problem without any problem, then the problem is not at all a problem"

Care to unpack or translate that for us Rod?

July 24, 2024 01:57 AM Forum: Politics

Kamala Harris smashes fundraising record with stunning $81 million haul over 24 hours

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Here is another word salad by Kamala......can you guys unpack this one?

There are literally dozens of examples on youtube as well, but this one is especially crazy......

July 24, 2024 01:09 PM Forum: Politics

Kamala Harris smashes fundraising record with stunning $81 million haul over 24 hours

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Originally Posted by Rod Kaufman

The fact that you can't unpack something cobbled together on FACEBOOK as being as obviously cobbled together on facebook as this is and/or recognize facebook for being what it is, is crazy...

Figures, so the fact that it was shown live when it happened doesnt figure into it for you LOL

July 24, 2024 10:11 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Sideways Pictures In Classifieds

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Use a image editor on the pic. Even if it comes up oriented correctly in the editor, save it anyway as if you made changes. Then try uploading it again......That should correct the problem.

July 25, 2024 02:06 AM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Sideways Pictures In Classifieds

Posted By Greg Shaffer

Originally Posted by Peter Leveillee

Not sure what to do, I have tried rotating the images in my files, it doesn't seem to help.

Sorry.....have seen this at least a dozen times before and that process has never failed me.