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Posts Made By: Michael Sukovich

January 31, 2004 03:34 PM Forum: Home Observatories

Hows the sky in the catskills?

Posted By Michael Sukovich

I'm thinking about purchasing a small piece of land in the catskills for observing purposes. Does anyone have any experience with the area? How is the viewing up there?

February 3, 2004 11:10 PM Forum: Astro-Physics

AP 130 f/6 waiting list info?

Posted By Michael Sukovich

Hi All,
Has anyone heard anything about the next production run?
Lets see who's been waiting the longest.
I signed up at some point in 2001.

March 14, 2004 03:15 PM Forum: Solar System Observing


Posted By Michael Sukovich

Did anyone else out there enjoy jupiter last night as much as I did? The moons put on quite a display. Overall one of my best nights.

October 2, 2004 03:41 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

FS 102 Case

Posted By Michael Sukovich

Can anyone recommend a good case for my FS102? One that will keep it safe and not break the bank would be perfect.

July 5, 2007 02:18 AM Forum: Astro-Physics

If your gonna have a dilema....

Posted By Michael Sukovich

this one aint half bad...looking for ideas on this: 130 or 140?

I'm pretty high up on the 140 list and could theoretically be notified this summer.

I've also been on the 130 list since early 2001 and could be notified within a year, maybe? (yay!)

As much as i would love to, i really doubt i can consider buying and keeping both, although i am willing to sell my FS102 and/or my Discovery 12.5" dob. May need to sell one or both just to fund the 140, no?

I like the idea of the portable 130, as i'm a traveller, no pun intended. But the 140 was SO SWEET... how can I not? Budget is 5k, wife is on board, bless her!

If i buy the 140 will it have the typical amazing resale value? if so i could sell it when the 130 comes up?

Ugh!! What would you do?

I'm primarily a visual observer and have a decent go to mount that should handle either scope well...

Thanks and Clear Skies,

January 31, 2011 03:56 AM Forum: Bad to the Bone Autos

My 1969 Corvette

Posted By Michael Sukovich

wish there wasnt so much snow outside!!

February 1, 2004 08:10 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Teaching / Demo scope recomendations?

Posted By Michael Sukovich

Hi Mike,
I have a C6R-GT. Its Very sturdy. The EP can get closer than 30 inches to the ground when pointing at zenith. Mine is a little heavier in the back because I changed the focuser. With the added weight the it slides the tube further forward and its maybe 6 or so inches higher. You can also get something like Kens 3n1 bracket to shift the CG forward. I have one of those two(4sale BTW!). It is heavy. IMHO this scope is worth it.

But, do you want to show the public what its all about with goto? There are those who would argue against it. As well as those who would argue for it. I personally like the challenge of learning to find things without a computer. But then again I have a C6R-GT Goto so who knows?

Just my 2 cents,

October 3, 2004 01:54 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

FS 102 Case

Posted By Michael Sukovich

Those are some great ideas.
Thanks everyone!

April 22, 2005 03:43 AM Forum: Astro-Physics

AP 130 f/6 waiting list info?

Posted By Michael Sukovich

Hi All,
A year later and still waiting patiently. Still saving up too! Looks like the new 155 is a 160, will the new 130 be a 140? If anyone has any info please share it! Anyone receive a scope? Talk to us!

Best Regards,

September 11, 2007 06:00 PM Forum: Astro-Physics

Re: 140mm f/7.5 Notification

Posted By Michael Sukovich

Does anyone have an idea how many might be available in this batch?