4 inch scopesPosted By Bruce Hayes |
I am trying to put together a portable enought package to fit in my Mustang for remote viewing. I have owned and sold an Explore 127 triple with a cgem. that package was very nice but it only fit in the pickup and could not out perform my 8" cpc ( for visual) enought to justifiy keeping it. The proceeds of the sale turned into a Lunt 60 double stack and a Meade LX 80. The jury is still out on the LX 80 but the lunt is small but a keeper. The LX 80, Lunt , and a 8" cat ota or 4"refractor all in tight cases will fit in the stang. The prices are way steep but I am considering the SV or Tak. I really want to buy American made are they worth it and is the SV as good?