APM 20/40x100mm 45deg Binocular Miscollimated

Started by Wilson, 10/13/2006 11:35AM
Posted 10/13/2006 11:35AM | Edited 10/18/2006 01:32AM Opening Post

I purchased an APM 20/40x100mm 45deg binocular a few months ago which arrived out af collimation. I have tried to contact APM and Markus Ludes about this problem, but have so-far not received a reply. I would love to use this instrument now that I have a decent mount for it, but it is impossible with the miscollimation. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as how to fis the binocular. Thanks.

Wilson Beckett
Posted 10/18/2006 01:34AM #1
Hello All,

I received a reply from Markus Ludes today describing the proper collimation procedure. I will try it out as soon as time available and clear skies come together.