AP finderscope?

Started by cdculbertson, 03/12/2003 04:45PM
Posted 03/12/2003 04:45PM Opening Post
Does anyone have any experience with the Astro-Physics finderscope? Is it sharp, soft, etc? It looks like a pretty decent deal at $175, including illuminator and the quick release bracket. All it says on the AP website is that it is "imported" but not where it is imported from. Not that I would expect AP to sell inferior products, I am just curious as to how it compares to other finders out there from Antares, TAL,Tak etc.

Midway, FL
Posted 03/13/2003 01:56AM #1
I thought the construction was very similiar to my Antares and not as nice as the Tak, though I never had all three in one place at a single time.

The bracket and mounting components are typical AP.. beautiful form and function.

Posted 03/13/2003 03:49AM #2
I have a Tak finderscope on my FSQ-106 mounted on top of an
AP 155 and just received my AP finderscope a few weeks ago so I decided to mount it too and compare. While the Tak finderscope feels a little "higher end" I like the A-P so much I'm considering purchasing another A-P finderscope for my Tak scope. The only negative is, I must look directly into the finderscope or "one" side of the illuminated circular part of the reticle is slightly blurry, but the crosshairs remain sharp. Oh yes, the black color is not great but when it's dark outside I don't notice :-) I can't comment on the other brands.

Cal Sandfort