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Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Planet Hunter Design Info available on line

Started by msholdenct, 12/07/2006 06:27PM
Posted 12/07/2006 06:27PM Opening Post
Thomas Back posted the spots and design information about the 80mm Planet Hunter, and a fully optimized 80mm/11 achromat in the photos section of the BO Refractors Yahoo Group.

Posted 12/07/2006 06:36PM #1
Can you provide a link? Do you need to be a registered Yahoo account to view?
Posted 12/07/2006 06:37PM #2
Can you do us a favor and post em here? Not all of us are members of that Yahoo group. Personally, I left because of what I perceived to be unnecessarily high moderation. So since BO membership seems to be the prerequisite for getting the info, those of us who aren't members won't be privy to the design info and spot diagrams you refer to.

Another reason is that it would be interesting to compare with RC's spot diagrams for an 80mm f11 achro.

Thank you.
