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Pete Eliason


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The Solar scrap heap (not dead yet!)

Started by pghyndman, 10/03/2002 10:20AM
Posted 10/03/2002 10:20AM Opening Post
Hi All,

I'm in a solar imaging limbo right now... my Canon D60 arrived, but the lenses, T-mount ring, and a few other goodies have been delayed.

This has left me foraging in the scrap heap for previously unprocessed images to play with.

This following is from Sept 19 and uses leakage in lieu of the correct channel, which was saturated (sigh!). Here's to hoping the new camera can lead me closer to RGB leak-free Solar Nirvana! shocked)

(SolarMax90/T-Max, BF30, CoolPix995, 5" Tak')



Attached Image:

pghyndman's attachment for post 1804