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A Takahashi Classic!

Started by lthaxton, 10/22/2015 09:39PM
Posted 10/22/2015 09:39PM Opening Post
One of the last FC-125 scopes made......

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Posted 10/22/2015 09:41PM #1
Posted 10/23/2015 05:28PM #2
Nice! grin

[SIZE="Large"][/SIZE][COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR] Floyd Blue grin
Amateur Imager
Posted 10/23/2015 10:39PM #3
looks like you're taking advantage of the strong US dollar! Good job! 8) 8)
Posted 04/18/2016 11:59PM #4
Finally brought the FC-125 to Bend and this afternoon I set it up in anticipation of "first light". Like all Takahashis I have owned or used, it is built as solid as a rock and pretty heavy. Cosmetics are different than my FS-152, as is the optical arrangement. I have had the good fortune to own several smaller FCs and each was a great performer. Same with the FS-152. I forgot to pick up a band adapter to allow me to use the NJP so it is riding on the HGM-200. Maybe more mount than it needs but elegant and simple to use.

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lthaxton's attachment for post 150657
Posted 04/19/2016 12:00AM #5
Another view....

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lthaxton's attachment for post 150658
Posted 04/19/2016 12:01AM #6
Probably more of a yard photo......

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lthaxton's attachment for post 150659
Posted 05/12/2016 06:41PM #7
Well, another scope added to the to a Tak FS-152 and Celestron C102F. If the weather cooperates I plan to set up all three for a little comparison on the moon, Jupiter and Saturn.....

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lthaxton's attachment for post 150731
Posted 05/12/2016 08:53PM #8
The business end of the TEC200ED and the Tak FS-152

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lthaxton's attachment for post 150732