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Nexstar 11 GPS vs. Takahashi FS-102

Started by jareds, 07/25/2003 01:16PM
Posted 07/25/2003 01:16PM Opening Post
I cuurently own a Celestron NexStar 11 GPS that is literally unused. It has been setup in my living room, but has never been taken outside or seen first light. I've sent the Motor Controller and Hand Controller to Celestron for the firmware upgrades so that all future upgrades can be performed by the user.

I have an opportunity for a straight across trade for a Takahashi FS-102 that includes the visual back, takahashi 50mm finder and carrying case. I've owned the NS-11 for 2-years and have never used it, so I'm questioning if I should even keep it. I also own a 10" DOB, TV-101, TV-85, SP-C102, SP-C80 and S-80. My wife uses the TV-101 on a Gibraltar mount and it's her favorite scope. I own a Losmandy GM-8 that is waiting to have an OTA mounted on it.

I'd like to hear peoples idea's on what I should consider doing.

Thanks in advance!
Posted 07/25/2003 02:23PM #1
Ignoring true/actual scope limitations for just a moment, and considering your own preferences in stargazing (targets, favorites)...

...what's the very first goodie you'd want to look at (and stare at), through the 11GPS? How about the TV101?

Do *you* have a favorite among the scopes you listed? If so, why? What makes it your favorite?

Do you enjoy the 10-incher?

Are you looking for something *somewhat* more portable (such as a C9.25), or *a lot* more portable (such as the TV101)?

Some of the above questions may be easier to consider & ponder than, say, a single daunting question like "What's your ideal scope?" Several more specific questions may offer "easier" help when trying to analyze your goals or hopes.

Putting myself in your shoes, I'd be tempted to go after a TEC6, or Mewlon 180. Either would be quite at home (and very grin-worthy) atop the GM-8. The Mewlon 210 ups the ante, but it may be nearing the "too bulky" realm for you.

Best wishes and luck, Jared.
Posted 07/29/2003 09:01PM #2
If you get JMI Wheelie Bars and Lymax Cooler for the NS11, you might find it easy to use (e.g. seeing Mars in early morning). I don't have this setup but did research on it (waiting for the right opportunity to own one :-) Folks on SAA recommended this scope when I asked for aperture fever remedy under serious light pollution.

The FS-102 duplicates the TeleVue; you can mount the TV on your GM-8. Or get a Chromacor'ed 5" or 6" refractor, or a 6" Mak-Newt. Wheelie Bars may also come in handy here if the scope is near the upper limit.

-- William