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Travel tripod/mount

Started by mossman, 05/27/2003 03:33AM
Posted 05/27/2003 03:33AM Opening Post
I have a Tak fsq106 and I will be travelling to Hawaii. Is there a portable tripod and simple mount that could be recommended.

Posted 05/27/2003 04:27PM #1
If it's only for visual use, then maybe a Giro2 DX?
Posted 07/04/2003 04:00AM #2
I would also recommend the Giro-2 for portability. It's relatively light, very compact, easy to set up, and fun to use. You could mount it on a medium-light Bogen 3011 (which collapses down to 23") and it would be stable enough for visual, unless you try to push the power way up. You could probably even get away without using a counter-weight.