Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

IC1396 Cepheus Bubble Nebula

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M42 Orion 1-26-2015 image

M42 Orion 1-26-2015

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Last night was nice and clear and the seeing was pretty good too. I was trying to get the auto guiding going on my mount and that did not happen. I need to download the Ascom driver for my mount. So, I did shorter subs and a ton of them. I ended up with more than 160, 30 sec exposures at ISO1600. I stacked 157 images in DeepSkyStacker and Adjusted it in PS CS6 to get this image. Definitely my most detailed Orion. 157x 30sec. Exp. at ISO1600 Camera: 60D Scope: 8” Orion Newt at F/4.3 with Coma Corrector. Mount: Celestron Advanced VX mount