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Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky -- Month of August 2024

Posted by Guy Pirro 08/04/2024 02:20AM

Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky -- Month of August 2024

Welcome to the night sky report for August 2024 -- Your guide to the constellations, deep sky objects, planets, and celestial events that are observable during the month. Provided you have clear skies, viewing conditions for the Perseid meteors will be favorable this year. In mid-August there will be a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Mars. Also, in August, a number of star-studded figures soar overhead. Look for the constellation Lyra, shaped as a small parallelogram, which points to Epsilon Lyrae and the Ring Nebula (M57, NGC 6720). You can also spot three bright summer stars: Vega, Deneb, and Altair, which form the Summer Triangle. Keep observing around the group of stars commonly known as the Teapot and you’ll be looking toward the center of the Milky Way. In that direction, you can see the Lagoon Nebula (M8, NGC 6523), August is also a great month to learn an easy-to-spot constellation – Cygnus the swan. The night sky is truly a celestial showcase, so get outside and explore its wonders from your own backyard.


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