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Erwin Forbragd

M1 Crab Nebula

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New version bug fixes needed.. Starting TUES PM.

Started by msl615, 04/11/2018 05:01AM
Posted 04/11/2018 05:01AM Opening Post
It is Tuesday PM (ET) and I can see that some of the bug fixes in the new version have been resolved.  The big ones (screen size for classified results on mobiles, etc) will probably take some significant work.  In the meantime, there are some smaller fixes that might be easier:

1.  The classified results do not highlight or mark those that are SOLD if we ask for SOLD or FOUND to be included.  I can't scan the list and find out what is sold or  not without opening each.

2. Creating or editing our own ads do not have a font size option.  Was that accidentally lost, or not available now?

3. The GLOBAL include SOLD in Display Preferences does not work. You must ask for it on the classified results page. And, see #1 above when you get results.
