Re: Weird things with BlackNight binoviewers?

Started by tomhole, 05/14/2004 04:49PM
Posted 05/14/2004 04:49PM Opening Post
"Until you understand the nature of how the BN are designed and why, you might want to use more caution. Otherwise it becomes necessary to clean up afterward."

Welcome to the crony club, Levente. Say something negative about a Siebert product and you get to see Harry's "anyone who isn't with me is against me" paranoia.

BTW, Harry, us customers get to say whatever we want and speculate about all manner of things. One of the nice things about freedom of speech. I can't supress your drivel and you can't tell customers (your customers, no less) to shut their pie holes. Ain't it great?

Posted 05/14/2004 05:28PM #1

I don't think you read my original post. I deleted it soon after posting because I realized I should spend more time with the BN to say a more estabilished opinion. Both positive and negative. I must admit this is the first binoviewer in my hands, so I didn't know how a binoviewer would look like in DETAILS and would work with MY eyes.

Please note, I had sent my questions directly to Harry BEFORE posting them here. He was EXTREMELY helpful and I'm pretty confident that he is doing his best to satisfy his customers.
