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My new observatory

Started by tvansickle, 02/10/2007 02:17AM
Posted 02/10/2007 02:17AM Opening Post
Hi Folks, I punched an incorrect button after starting this post just now and lost all I had written. I'll start again.

If the lords of building permits have no objections, I will start reconstruction of my HomeDome Pro 10 next Monday. I purchased it in 2002 and built it up in Noblesville, Indiana. Early last year, my wife and I decided to down size our home in Indiana. I struck the dome, packed it on a truck, and shipped it to Pt. Charlotte Florida where we have a winter place. I have taken a picture of the site location, but will not post it until I have a before/after set to show. I'll post plenty of photos as the dome goes up.

The dome has been a great observatory. It should be better here in Florida because the skies seem to be much better than those seen in Indiana. I am in the city, and the horizon does not present very good views. At higher altitudes though the viewing is spectacular.

I have had the dome for four years, and it has provided excellent service the whole time. When I tore it down, the windlass used to open and close the shutter got messed up and I sent it to the Technical Innovations. They provided a rebuild system. It was a good decision because the steel cables get tangled and kinked so badly during disassembly that they can never again be used safely.

BTW, I have one of the last run versions of the 12" LX200 classic. Meade had a great sale on these scopes, I ordered one, and before I received it, they announced the GPS version. I was not dissapointed at missing the newer GPS system. I had been using a 10 inch LX200 for quite a while before I got my current scope. I have been very happy with the 12 inch scope. Well, maybe it could have a bit more aperture!! The whole system is pretty well automated. I do not have a very good camera arrangement to allow viewing remotely. Otherwise, I can run the dome very well from my study. I had CAT 5 ethernet cables in IN, but it will all be wireless here.

If anybody is near Pt. Charlotte, let me know. I am not looking for a lot of help. Just to meet some friends who can help me enjoy getting my scope up and going again after a half-year vacation from observing.

Posted 02/10/2007 04:00AM #1
HI ted, I am down in Cape Coral just south of Pine Island Rd. Where are you in Pt Charlotte?