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My Observatory

Started by [email protected], 08/13/2002 03:15PM
Posted 08/13/2002 03:15PM Opening Post
I recently accquired a share in an observatory at our clubs dark sky site in Tierra Del Sol, CA. I thought I'd share a picture of it with all of you other home observatory owners. It's a concrete block building 20'X20' with a roll off roof. It has two piers installed, both 18" diameter pipes, with flanges, sunk into five cubic yards of concrete (beefy to say the least), which are designed to hold very large telescopes. My pier is pictured, with it's adapter, to hold my 10" LX200 in Alt/Az mode. This will also be used to hold a 14" LX200 when they begin shipping next year. The building is in need of a little TLC, which I'm giving it on the weekends. Clear Skies!
Scott Baker
San Diego Astronomy Association
International Dark-Sky Association

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