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Diamond Ring April 8, 2024

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Eclipse-chaser's mount

Started by RobertHowe, 03/26/2005 01:59PM
Posted 03/26/2005 01:59PM Opening Post
Hi all

I am looking for suggestions for a tracking mount to take to solar eclipses in Madrid (annular) and Egypt (total) in the next year. At home I have a TV Gibraltar which I usually travel with, using a TV85 refractor; and a G11 for using larger telescopes. Has anyone used the Vixen mounts for this purpose, how portable are they?

I want a tracking mount so that I can just set up the camera or VCR, point the telescope at the sun just before first contact, and not have to worry about it for the next hour (except to take off the solar filter at second contact). Idally, I would use both my TV 85 and a Coronado 60 for hydrogen-alpha viewing, but this may be too much to put on one portable mount.

Also, given that Egypt is farther south than I usually get, I may bring a larger telescope, perhaps a Traveller or an Intes 503, and spend a couple of nights observing.

Many thanks

Robert Howe

Robert Howe
Wilbraham MA

TeleVue 85 f/7 // Astro-Physics Traveler 105 f/6 // Astro-Physics 130 f/8.35 // Tak Mewlon 210 //
Coronado 60 DS
"Scopes, Brains and Wisdom--but no Beauty"