Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

IC443 Jellfish Nebula

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Need Help?


Started by apfrsscf, 07/28/2004 01:04PM
Posted 07/28/2004 01:04PM Opening Post
I think that I need your advice. I am building a dosonian scope like Alice and it is finally coming together. I have all of the major components assembled, but I have not painted it or installed the Ebony Star.

The problem is that when I lower the optical tube the altitude bearings run off the rocker box traces to the left. And when I raise the optical tube up to the zenith then it runs off the rocker box to the right. This is consistent and not random.

I thought that maybe I had incorrectly mounted the parts, but everything seems to measure ok. I painstakingly remounted the rocker box traces to make sure that they were correct. I installed some small teflon keepers to keep the altitude bearings from running off track.

Currently when I set the OTA onto the rocker box, the altitude bearings do not sit straight with the rocker box traces. And when I pull the optical tube down and to one side the altitude bearings jumps up out of the traces.

Clearly something is not right. Please advise.
Clear skies
Posted 07/28/2004 01:14PM #1
Alan, double check the positions of your altitude trunnions, and the races in which they ride. Make sure they are parallel, plus make sure they are not skewed somehow. I suspect that one or the other (or both) are not directly opposite each other. Obviously, double and triple check everything for squareness, too, in all directions.

Good luck,