Image of the day

Captured by
Pete Eliason


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LPL sets up lunar website

Started by maurice clark, 10/08/2007 07:49PM
Posted 10/08/2007 07:49PM Opening Post
Hi all,

The Lunar and Planetary Institute has set up a website all about the Moon, from the earliest pre-Apollo days right through to future plans.

Looks like it could have good potential.



* Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a day.
* Teach a man to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks.
Posted 10/14/2007 12:52PM #1
Maurice - I've poked around a little on this website and it is pretty cool. I've just scratched the surface, but it's got lots of interesting photos and documents. Thanks for a very cool link!

I have several telescopes, but none are semi-APO, APO, or in anyway valuable.