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Very interesting Interviews! Update

Started by maurice clark, 07/20/2009 02:33PM
Posted 07/20/2009 02:33PM | Edited 07/21/2009 01:05AM Opening Post
Hi all,

Just finished watching a very interview with 7 of the surviving Apollo astronauts live on NASA TV. Those guys were really talking sense about the need for more investment in space exploration and castigating politicians for their lack of vision. For once, the questions from the press appeared well thought out and elucidated very forthright responses from the astronauts. Those guys are still as intense, direct, and competitive as when they were flying! The biggest laugh from everyone came when someone asked " Can you reach a consensus on anything?"

Not sure if it will be available in the NASA TV archives, but it should be. If it is, it would be well worth watching.



Here is the link to NASA TV. It is not in the archives yet.

Update: The interview has been posted on YouTube. Here is the address:

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