The Failure of agore

Started by danno_007, 06/26/2011 03:03AM
Posted 06/26/2011 03:03AM Opening Post
Interesting read.

Posted 06/26/2011 06:32PM #1
I always thought he'd be more credible if he wasn't getting "enormously rich" in the process. If he is charging $2000/plate for 150 people to listen to him talk for an hour, is he doing it to spread the message or is he doing it for the $300K? For a flat fee of $175K, he makes a 30-minute speach, or $5800/minute.

Well, the other reason that he's not credible is that he's never debated anyone on global warming. Doesn't he believe in his message?

Well, another reason that he's not credible is that his message consists of really old debunked science, presented in a purely emotional form with fake photoshopped graphics.

Well, another reason... I'll stop here, it's a beautiful day outside.