Image of the day

Captured by
Jerry Brown


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Started by go_ahead_ed, 03/14/2003 10:51PM
Posted 03/14/2003 10:51PM Opening Post
OK, here's your dilemma of the day:

You are the President of the United States.

You've just learned that there is an asteroid headed for France that will completely wipe out their entire country.

It is scheduled to hit about 2:30 a.m. in just two days from now.

You have enough ships and military personnel nearby that can help evacuate their people safely, but they are on stand-by in case of war with Iraq.

Your question: do you set the VCR to record the asteroid hitting France, or do you stay up to watch it live?

(insert rimshot here)

Ed Moran
Equipment Forum Moderator - Two of Five
Posted 03/14/2003 11:04PM #1
First We try diplomicy. Maybe the asteriod is willing to budge from it's postion. France should obviously head such a commission. We should not rush into things. There needs to be more proof of its intent of "mass" distruction.

The first Step towards failure is trying. - Homer Simpson