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Fox News Coronavirus Coverage Denounced as "Danger To The Public"...

Started by Rod Kaufman, 04/02/2020 10:11PM
Posted 04/03/2020 04:43AM #10
Originally Posted by Richard Davis

Who cares what some Obama appointee of the FDA thinks of the FDA now?  

She's utterly irrelevant.  FDA has ALWAYS taken forever to get anything done, just like MOST bureaucracies.  I don't a flying shit what Luciana Borio thinks.

Dr. Steven Smith a virologist who is dolng testing on 72 patients has stated that HCQ is doing things and SAVING People who WERE on ventilators at his facility, 20 patients who no longer NEED the ventilators.  He said the odds that all of them could come off the ventilators was ASTRONOMICAL.  

He said the probability of all 20 NOT NEEDING the ventilators, was on the order of 0.0000X percent.  

A place in Seattle is doing a controlled study themselves, and appear to be having similar results, so when this flippant arrogant Bitch characterizes well renowned doctors in the field as "guests on Foxnews who have overstated their credentials", she can shove her insults up her fat ass.  

She's your typical, pencil pushing, self-important bureaucratic asshole.  
"One reason for caution could be a study published earlier this month by Chinese researchers in the Journal of Zhejiang University (Medical Sciences). They randomized 30 patients to receive hydroxychloroquine plus conventional treatment or standard care alone for 5 days. No benefit for the drug was seen for clinical measures or viral clearance."
Posted 04/03/2020 05:01AM #11
Originally Posted by Richard Davis

Oh, and you give a damn what a bunch of lying Communists are saying?  Tells me where your brains are.

Don't you get it.  The Chinese have been lying all along and the leftist press, these dirtbags have the gall to tout China as being so wonderful in all of this.

Those ASSHOLES Caused this outbreak by not telling the world that this virus was what it was.

OUR gov't tried to send our CDC over there to get involved early on and their leaders told the CDC they couldn't come in.

They kept pertinent information from the WORLD.  Look what happened in Italy and Spain and you want to tell me anything about what the Chinese have said.  

If they are talking they are lying!   

BTW, France is having wonderful results with the HCQ and AZM.  

Are you unaware of that?

Oh wait, I forget that you watch CNN exclusively so they don't tell you things that might POSSIBLY place this President in a good light.  

Their goal first and foremost is DESTROY HIM at ALL costs.
Another wingnut conspiracy for an explanation and that figures, coming from you.
So when the Chinese doctors said:
"Early antiviral treatment could alleviate disease severity and prevent illness progression, and we found lopinavir/ritonavir combined with abidol showed antiviraleffects in Covid19." And nothing about  Hydroxychloroquin, they were lying, too?
Posted 04/03/2020 05:09AM #12
Oh, and about those French "studies", Rich is going to love this guy:
Posted 04/03/2020 05:18AM #13
Originally Posted by Richard Davis

Just for YOU dipshit!!

Headline:  New drug combo wiped out coronavirus in patients

Read that MEATHEAD!  

From the article:

The results of the trial were published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.

A total of 30 COVID-19 patients participated in the trials. The participants were split into three groups. Ten of the patients received just the anti-malaria drug, while another group of ten receive both hydroxychloroquine in combination with the antibiotic. The third group of 10 were the control group and did not receive any treatment.

Remarkably, the anti-malaria medication proved to significantly reduce the duration of the infection in the patients who received it, but the combination of both drugs produced truly astounding results

In fact, by the fifth day of treatment, all of the patients who received the drug combo tested negative for the active virus.

Can you read?  ALL of the patients given HCQ and AZM tested NEGATIVE after 5 days!  

Here's another article that CNN WILL not tell you about.  

From ScienceDirect:

I read it.  I don't think you have the knowledge to understand it, but they had control groups, some given HCQ and others given a comibination of HCQ and AZM.

The results: of the 36 patients left out of the initial 48 that started, this occurred:

When comparing the effect of hydroxychloroquine treatment as a single drug and the effect of hydroxychloroquine and azithromyc in combination, the proportion of patients that had negative PCR results in nasopharyngeal samples was significantly different between the two groups at days 3-4-5 and 6 post-inclusion (Table 3). At day6 post-inclusion, 100% of patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin combination were virologicaly cured comparing with 57.1% in patients treated with hydroxychloroquine only, and 12.5% in the control group

100% CURED 

Can you dig that?  I can.

Your f'in Obama appointed, Former FDA bitch can shove it up her ass.  

This Combination drug is working GREAT.  
This is the SAME NON-RANDOMIZED trial that I posted about from my link to Politico. It's NOT an RTC!!! In other words, the French trial is junk!