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The Corrupt and Senile President is too senile to be Prosecuted because his mind is mush and he's now seeing dead people like President Mitterand of France. He WILLFULLY took classified Documents and shared them with people

Started by richartisticwoods, 02/09/2024 03:36PM
Posted 02/09/2024 03:36PM | Edited 02/09/2024 03:41PM Opening Post
and he's now being let off the hook for his criminal activity of taking classified documents for 40 years by the Corrupt DOJ and special counsel.  

So then this Senile man got angry at his Press conference from Hell.

Even the left went after him for his cognitive meltdown and he didn't like it one bit. 

Are we supposed to feel sorry for this creep?  

This guy is the John Gotti of Presidents, taking money from our enemies like China, in exchange for favorable access by getting to him through his criminal son Hunter.

The entire family profited mightily and the family members around him all shared in the corruption.  

Name another person whose banks reported over 170 suspicious transactions to the authorities. 

That is a fact.

Name another person whose son lies to the Federal Gov't on a form where he committed perjury about his gun purchase which should have never happened, and he's so far gotten a slap on the wrist.

That is a fact.

The corrupt Democrats and Hunter Biden's lawyers tried to put forth a corrupt deal in court that would let him off the hook for his $1,400,000 tax evasion and criminal gun purchase, but thankfully the judge in the case wouldn't have any of the corruption and put the corrupt deal to bed.  

The Biden crime family like John Gotti profited to the tune of 10s of millions.

He's disgusting, most of his family is disgusting, and the corrupt Democrats are disgusting.  

Yeah sure.  The Special Counsel Verified that he illegally took classified documents and then Shared them with others.  

He criminally removed them from the Federal SCIF way back 40 years ago, knowing it was a criminal act and he kept them in his personal possession, probably so he could offer them to our Chinese enemy in exchange for the 10s of Millions they paid him.

He's been a scumbag his entire life, he's a piece of human excrement, and now he's being protected by the Special Counsel and DOJ by saying Oh yeah he did all this but he's got a faulty memory and so we aren't going to prosecute him.

I wonder if the same courtesy was given to Donald Trump?

When was the last time an extortion artist was let off the hook for a bad memory?

How about Never.

No, the corruption of this DOJ and this corrupt Marxist Democrat party is going to go down in history as legendary.