Image of the day

Captured by
Steve Ragalyi

Eclipse Collage from Fowler, Ohio 4/8/24

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Started by cc5, 12/23/2002 07:19PM
Posted 12/23/2002 07:19PM Opening Post
I have attached a image I took holding a vidocamera (Canon ZR20 to a 12mm eyepiece w/ 2x barlow. The telescope is a 10" DOB ORION DSE, tracking was done via elbow grease. I recorded about minute and one half of footage and took ten decent frames and stacked in Registax. I then did some random manipulations in Photoshop (I have no idea how to use that program, so I experiment and read the postings). I am imaging from Scottsdale, AZ (adjacent to Phx) under moderate light pollution and seeing was varying from bad to good as a storm was just breaking. Moments of excellent seeing. Holding the videocamera creates wild variations in the focus of the image. It becomes a bit of a crapshoot I am finding out. It really becomes apparent when I review the individual frames. This picture was from 12-19 and was my fourth night out.

A little rough I know, and I would welcome any tips to improve upon this image.

P.S. does anyone have suggestions for obtaining better detail on Jupiter. I find Jupiter much more difficult to film then Saturn. Thank you guys for turning me on to the option of filming planets using a videocamera, I really am enjoying the different aspects involved in getting an image from from photon to PC.

Thank you for sharing!


Attached Image:

cc5's attachment for post 2771