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Banded Solar Image Question

Started by Bruce Mills, 02/28/2006 04:58PM
Posted 02/28/2006 04:58PM | Edited 02/28/2006 06:00PM Opening Post
Not sure whether to post here or in the Coronado section.Further,it's probably a well known phenomena with digital imaging,but,I'm just beginning to get into picture taking,so.."What the heck is responsible for the raster banding in a whole bunch of duff solar pic's I took a week or so ago?" :S
I mentioned the Coronado forum as I thought it may be an artefact of the etalon and I was seeing interference fringes perhaps. 8O
Taken with a 20D plugged into Coronado's Maxscope 40 <0.5 with a Powermate 2.5X,uncropped.
Cause?Cure?Any thoughts?


A P.S. I edited for a resize as the original uncropped image didn't show the bands well.Now cropped and blown up a little.

Attached Image:

Bruce Mills's attachment for post 30043
Posted 02/28/2006 07:03PM #1
Bruce- that is very interesting. How about taking two frames, but rotating the camera body between shots.

Try varying the jpg resolution setting. What was the resolution setting?
