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Posts Made By: Gerald Miller

August 23, 2018 01:54 AM Forum: Politics

I wonder if Trump's sweat is orange...

Posted By Gerald Miller

Originally Posted by Richard Davis

First problem for your side is you can't say that.  Well of course you can say that, because we're used to leftists throwing around all sorts of unfounded assertions,  but you need to be able to back that up with evidence.  

Second, I've asked you before to only get back from you, sounds of crickets, but I'll try again for the 5th time.  

What law did the President direct Michael Cohen to break?  Be specific if you can, and if you do come up with a "quotation" have the courtesy and the professionalism to credit the source.  wink
52 U.S.C. 3011801) 35 30109(d)(1)(A), and 18 U.S.C. and 52 U.S.C. 30116(a)(1)(A),

30116(a)(7) 3r. 30109(d)(l)(A) and 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2 b to be exact. As a co-conspirator, he is as guilty as Cohen of violation of these laws if he directed him to do so.

August 23, 2018 02:04 AM Forum: Politics

White Supremacy opponents gone wild

Posted By Gerald Miller

Sir,  You have no literally no web presence, which makes me think you are a troll. You joined Astromart in 2014, yet you have spent the majority of your time in this forum with partisan links, many if not the majority being right wing propaganda sites. The only unrelated post I could locate about you was this one where a complaint was made against you by a fellow Astromart member in 2010, which is strange since you were not a member until 2014:

You attack anyone who challenges your nonsense with insults-as you have me. If you are a real US citizen, then you are most certainly obsessed as you have posted over 1100 political post since you joined in 2014, many of them not even viewed by a single person besides yourself.

If you truly are a US Citizen, and feel the way you do, it makes me wonder what made you so full of hate for those that don't think like you do? Is it because you worked hard but made little of your life and see others not like you that are more fortunate at this stage in your life? If it because you have little or no education, and want to belittle those that have more and are more successful? It makes me wonder why someone would be so obsessed with a political viewpoint that he feels the need to constantly monitor and post multiple times daily some right wing trivia and make personal attacks of anyone that challenge him that few even read and even fewer care about.

I posted the few times here this week to show others that others with an opposite viewpoint exist and that can do the same thing as you, but for the other side. And I could do it every day, multiple times a day, just as you have done.

It is not possible, as I originally said, to have any sort of sensible debate with someone like yourself as it would be a waste of time to attempt to use logic or facts as you bend those to fit your warped sense of reality. You either need to get some help dealing with your anger issues and obsession with those who don't believe as you do or get a life.  You will be lot happier. Or not.

Either way, I don't really care about your opinion-you posts are irrelevant and have no credibility to any rational discussion anyone could have, which is why I suspect over the last months few or no one responds, much less reads, any of your posts, as anyone who has followed your posts here already figured out you have some very real logic and anger issues.

I'm done here.  Thank you for playing along and helping me prove my point, which you have so successfully done. I do hope you get some help, but those with the "Left is the enemy" affliction have little hope for a cure.

Now, rant and insult away and pour over your right wing sites for more damning evidence that supports your hate and anger-that's why they exist. I won't be reading it.  I really could care less, and I'm pretty sure, no one else does either.

August 23, 2018 02:32 AM Forum: Politics

I wonder if Trump's sweat is orange...

Posted By Gerald Miller

Not sure, but perhaps there was some error in pasting those links. The actual law Trump violated along with Cohen was 52 USC sections 30118(a) & 30109(d)(1)(A) and 18 USC Section 2(b) (count 7) and 52 USC Sections 30116(a)(1)(A), 30116(a)(7) and 30109(d)(1) (count 8). These are the counts that Cohen plead out to yesterday. I think DOJ and Cohen's lawyers know how these applied to him and they also applied to his un-indicted co-conspirator, your great orange headed leader.

August 23, 2018 02:52 AM Forum: Politics

White Supremacy opponents gone wild

Posted By Gerald Miller

So, a troll you are! do svidaniya!

August 23, 2018 03:02 AM Forum: Politics

I wonder if Trump's sweat is orange...

Posted By Gerald Miller

It was cut from a pdf file that couldn't handle the section number translation. Rather appear to be one rather than actually be one, like yourself. Your turn.

August 23, 2018 03:05 AM Forum: Politics

White Supremacy opponents gone wild

Posted By Gerald Miller

Says you joined 2014 next to the sack over your head which I do have to admit is pretty funny since you having your head in a sack is pretty indicative of what you perceive as realty. Well, at least we now know you know what something up your butt feels like-can't say I do.

Prove that you are real-age, name, address. How about anything on the web-facebook, a picture at a wedding, or anything at all. On the web, you don't exist unless you are the guy arrested in Colorado Springs running from the cops in a stolen car last month.

I don't think you are who you say you are. No sane person would post 1100 times and spew the same hate over and over unless he's nuts or a troll.

Pick whichever one fits.

August 23, 2018 03:59 AM Forum: Politics

White Supremacy opponents gone wild

Posted By Gerald Miller

No, not at all. Proves nothing. Google doesn't show anyone in Colorado Springs or on Facebook that matches your profile. You have given me nothing to prove you are real or that could be traced to show you really exist.

Your rantings don't appear to made by a person that is highly educated or of high intellect based on the content or level of writing (I don't mean to be cruel).

Anyone can allege what you have alleged. PM me with more and prove you are real and if you don't want it to be public and I'll respect that. So far, I don't think you are who you say you are and have hijacked the real Richard Davis to promote conflict in the US, something Russians have proved they are very capable of doing. And until you prove otherwise, I think everyone else here will too.

If you do that, and agree to keep things civil, I may stick around and give you a real debate on the issues. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.

August 23, 2018 04:09 AM Forum: Politics

I wonder if Trump's sweat is orange...

Posted By Gerald Miller

Did you have to go to work, or did your shift end at Fancy Bear?

August 23, 2018 04:40 AM Forum: Politics

White Supremacy opponents gone wild

Posted By Gerald Miller

LOL! They'd pop a vein and go down!

I am not convinced he is real. Maybe he is, but he hasn't provided any evidence that I can trace-and I'm very good at it.

It's almost impossible to not have some web presence at all.

I've been just toy'n with him anyway, even if he is real, to get his dander up. Seems to have worked!

August 23, 2018 07:33 AM Forum: Politics

Are there ANY Republicans that are not corrupt?

Posted By Gerald Miller

Originally Posted by Richard Davis

Are there any Democrats who are smarter than a box of rocks???

Ladies and Gentlemen, the NEW face of the Democrat party.  

God, that's shocking. Of course, unless it's a fake Republican video, which it is, and you are disseminating false information for the Russians.

Or, alternatively, you are too much of a partisan to know the difference and believe everything you find on the web without question.

I don't know what's worse-intentional disinformation or stupidity. Either way, it's on you.

Seems its so easy to fool Republicans like you, who want to believe every fake thing they find and spread to others as truth and have no problem doing it. Republicans spread false Russian stories in the election a whopping 36 times as many times as Democrats. It's just what they do, and your post is a perfect example of helping the Russians with disinformation. So, I presume you've been helping them all along? Like now? Or like this guy:

Sound familiar? Hit a bit too close to home?