Posts Made By: Jeffrey Counsil

July 25, 2010 08:21 PM Forum: Politics

A cure for Obamacare

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

But that is not the goal of these socialists trying to take control of this country.

david elosser said:

Unfortunately, there is as of this date no vaccine available for Obamacare. However, the Brits have discovered what looks like a very promising cure:
"Practical details of the plan are still sketchy. But its aim is clear: to shift control of England’s $160 billion annual health budget from a centralized bureaucracy to doctors at the local level...The plan would also shrink the bureaucratic apparatus..." The Brits have admitted: "The current architecture of the health system has developed piecemeal, involves duplication and is unwieldy. Liberating [i.e. diminishing] the N.H.S., and putting power in the hands of patients and clinicians, means we will be able to effect a radical simplification, and remove layers of management." Hmmm, letting doctors and patients control their own health care. What a novel idea! grin

David E

July 25, 2010 08:25 PM Forum: Politics

Another liberal hypocracy story

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

Again this does prove that Kerry and the like multi-millionaire "elitist" politicians (both sides) are just so "elevated" and removed from real life. The aristrocRATS are eating away at us all and blaming "other" RICH people for our woes, while exempting themselves from those "evil rich" people. Yeah, we can see through all the smoke and mirrors Mr. Kerry...

david elosser said:

I know, they are a dime a dozen. Liberals never want to do with their own money what they demand of others, others who often own or make far less than they do. Another case-in-point: Senator John Kerry, who has voted to raise taxes every chance he got, and then took advantage to avoid paying taxes whenever he could:

But the real teaching moment of this story is this: you pass a confiscatory tax on your own people, they will often vote with their feet. That includes big businesses, which the Demcrats are trying real hard to tax corporations to the point where they will simply take their business overseas, along with their jobs.

David E

July 26, 2010 02:57 PM Forum: Politics

While 6 million loose their jobs...

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

Gosh, and I thought these Dems were going to restore honesty and integrity to our Government... 8O But they are right about one thing, it's not the "same old, same old politics as usual". It's downright deception and theft! Chicago at it's finest..

david elosser said:

...during the Obama administration, turns out he was funneling billions of our tax dollars overseas. The "Sachs" hit the fan last Friday. No wonder Timmy "Tax Cheat" Geithner didn't want to disclose where our TARP money was going to!
"Goldman Sachs sent $4.3 billion in federal tax money to 32 entities, including many overseas banks, hedge funds and pensions, according to information made public Friday night."

It will be interesting to learn what countries these pensions are in that we so knowingly and willingly out of the goodness of our unemployed hearts gave money to.

Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Ia: "We thought originally we were bailing out AIG. Then later on ... we learned that the money flowed through AIG to a few big banks, and now we know that the money went from these few big banks to dozens of financial institutions all around the world."

Just in case these dozens of financial institutions around the world don't say "Thank you, Obama," I'll say it for you. Thank you Obama. :S

"AIG received the bailout of $85 billion at the discretion of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which was led at the time by Timothy Geithner. He now is U.S. treasury secretary." Wow! So Timmy the Tax Cheat runs AIG below the ground, then Obama gives him $85 Bil of our money and puts him in charge of it! Now that's what I call political incest!

"An attempt to reach Geithner Friday night through the White House public information office was unsuccessful." NO KIDDING!

David E

July 26, 2010 04:13 PM Forum: Religion

Re: It's A Miracle?

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

The Lord works in mysterious ways! It is not for us to try and understand, just accept it that HE knows best. Oh wait! That sounds like Obama! 8O

Rod Mollise said:

Robert Provin said:

Why doesn’t God heal amputees? The answer is straight forward if you are a skeptic or a rationalist, maybe a bit dicey for believers and those of faith. Any comments?

Alas, Robert, if you get an answer, it will just be the same old tired rationalization: "God doesn't answer all prayers" (i.e. he doesn't want to). Backed by that oldie but goodie WE CANNOT UNDERSTAND THE WAYS OF THE LORD. lol!

July 28, 2010 03:24 AM Forum: Politics

H.R.5175 - DISCLOSE Act

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

It's yet another attempt to remove privacy and give favor to unions (among other things) and it must be defeated. It's another chip off the 1st Amendment and is also an attempt to circumvent a Supreme Court ruling. Plus the medias would be required to give the politicians "reduced air time rates". Can you spell "control the media"????

The President’s alarm was itself a red herring as there is already existing law, the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1996, which prohibits independent political advertising by foreign nationals or foreign companies. The DISCLOSE Act produced by Congress at the behest of the President should more accurately be called the “Shut Uppa You Mouth Act”. It goes far beyond addressing the bogus concern about foreign entities influencing American elections. The bill adds burdensome provisions on reporting and disclosing by domestic entities which will disproportionately affect corporations over unions. For example, corporations holding government contracts are restricted in ways that unions with government contracts are not.

Then there’s this–political parties must be given reduced rate air time to respond to “special interest” ads.

The legislation does not intend to shed sunlight on political spending. The exceptions are carefully considered to favor leftwing organizations. The extensive disclosure requirements will certainly have a chilling effect on the conservative grassroots organizations which have just found their voice.

Steven Moore said:

I tried reading information on this and can not figure out if it is a good thing or what. cwy I thought FOREIGN NATIONALS were already not allowed to contribute.

July 29, 2010 11:55 PM Forum: Global Warming - REAL or NOT

Global Warming "Undeniable"

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

They say they have the "data", but do not show one iota of it. Last year, on the show Deadliest Catch, many of the captains of the vessels stated they have never seen so much ice on the Bering sea, some say since more than in over 40 years ago.. Hmmm... Just where did all that ice come from? Oh yea, deeper freezing temperatures. Not "warming" temperatures. wink

Alan French said:

August 18, 2010 12:57 AM Forum: Politics

"Brevity is the soul of wit"

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

Boy, that's real mature Jeff. I thought better of you. Calling Richard a twit as you are.. He's the only one you just said to be blathering complete with the definition.. :S

jeff catalina said:

And blather is the tactic of twits. You know who you are . . .


August 21, 2010 02:00 AM Forum: Politics

More Islam in the News

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in the Disney theme park, ya dress as the theme is to reflect Disneyland (as an employee). She is trying to impose her religious beliefs upon the Disneyland theme. McDonalds requires uniforms, do they not? Red Lobster, Pizza Hut, etc all require the employees to "fit the scheme". It's a trademark issue, NOT a religious one.

Lee Spain said:

Here is an interesting employment law case:

For the record, I don't want to see an Amish Mickey Mouse either. wink


August 23, 2010 10:12 AM Forum: Politics

Interesting article...

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

And it seems like he doesn't have any confidence in public schools either..

But Obama seems happy to act as a European-style secularist, vacation in Martha's Vineyard and send his daughters to one of America's most exclusive private schools.

Mike Strieber said:

Does Barack Obama want to be re-elected in 2012?

Interesting take on Obama and rings a bit true. He certainly is on the opposite side of most Americans on many issues from the mosque to the Arizona law; as if he really doesn't care. Now I doubt he would choose not to run in 2012 but that would finally be a policy of his I supported. He does give the appearance he is almost disinterested in being president. I think he's spent more time at the golf course and on vacation than in the Oval Office. Seems a bit distant and rather aloof. Makes sense as well when you think about Jimmy Carter and his presidency and post-presidency life when you consider Obama is often thought of as a second coming of Carter. If by slim chance he didn't run I'm sure the Democrats wouldn't have to look far for Carter III.

August 24, 2010 11:09 AM Forum: Politics

Obamacare selling like hotcakes!

Posted By Jeffrey Counsil

Gee, I wonder which "affordable" plan is for the older people????? I don't see much in the way of "affordability" there...

Two policies are available, with premiums ranging from $212 to $768 monthly, depending on age.

Mike Strieber said:

"Just two people in New Jersey will begin receiving coverage Monday under new plans created by federal health care reforms."