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Visual flattener/corrector for Mewlon 250

Started by cscappaticci, 09/06/2009 03:22PM
Posted 09/06/2009 03:22PM | Edited 09/06/2009 04:07PM Opening Post
Hi, having read a lot about corrected Dall-Kirkham's recently, I was wondering if anyone (either commercially or ATM) was working on a corrector/flattener (not reducer necessarily) for the Tak Mewlons. I own a Tak Mewlon 250 and it produces stunning results on axis, as one would expect given Tak quality and the DK design. I wouldn't want a corrector that diminishes the quality of the on-axis results. Can the Tak .8x reducer/corrector/flattener be converted for visual use? I know the TAO 1.6x extender flattens, but I do not think it corrects for coma?

